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Scripts for downloading logs from tenhou.net


Scripts for downloading logs from tenhou.net


Scans flash local storage for tenhou log file names and then downloads the game xml from tenhou.net.

Log Format

 - seed         Seed for RNG for generating walls and dice rolls.
 - ref          ?
<GO>            Start of game
 - type             Lobby type.
 - lobby            Lobby number.
<UN>            User list or user reconnect
 - n[0-3]           Names for each player as URLEncoded UTF-8.
 - dan              List of ranks for each player.
 - rate             List of rates for each player.
 - sx               List of sex ("M" or "F") for each player.
<BYE>           User disconnect
 - who              Player who disconnected.
<TAIKYOKU>      Start of round
 - oya              Dealer
<INIT>          Start of hand
 - seed             Six element list:
                        Round number,
                        Number of combo sticks,
                        Number of riichi sticks,
                        First dice minus one,
                        Second dice minus one,
                        Dora indicator.
 - ten              List of scores for each player     
 - oya              Dealer
 - hai[0-3]         Starting hands as a list of tiles for each player.
<[T-W][0-9]*>   Player draws a tile.
<[D-G][0-9]*>   Player discards a tile.
<N>             Player calls a tile.
 - who              The player who called the tile.
 - m                The meld.
<REACH>         Player declares riichi.
 - who              The player who declared riichi
 - step             Where the player is in declaring riichi:
                        1 -> Called "riichi"
                        2 -> Placed point stick on table after discarding.
 - ten              List of current scores for each player.
<DORA>          New dora indicator.
 - hai              The new dora indicator tile.
<AGARI>         A player won the hand
 - who              The player who won.
 - fromwho          Who the winner won from: themselves for tsumo, someone else for ron.
 - hai              The closed hand of the winner as a list of tiles.
 - m                The open melds of the winner as a list of melds.
 - machi            The waits of the winner as a list of tiles.
 - doraHai          The dora as a list of tiles.
 - dorahaiUra       The ura dora as a list of tiles.
 - yaku             List of yaku and their han values.
                            0 -> tsumo
                            1 -> riichi
                            2 -> ippatsu
                            3 -> chankan
                            4 -> rinshan
                            5 -> haitei
                            6 -> houtei
                            7 -> pinfu
                            8 -> tanyao
                            9 -> ippeiko
                        10-17 -> fanpai
                        18-20 -> yakuhai
                           21 -> daburi
                           22 -> chiitoi
                           23 -> chanta
                           24 -> itsuu
                           25 -> sanshokudoujin
                           26 -> sanshokudou
                           27 -> sankantsu
                           28 -> toitoi
                           29 -> sanankou
                           30 -> shousangen
                           31 -> honrouto
                           32 -> ryanpeikou
                           33 -> junchan
                           34 -> honitsu
                           35 -> chinitsu
                           52 -> dora
                           53 -> uradora
                           54 -> akadora
 - yakuman          List of yakuman.
                           36 -> renhou
                           37 -> tenhou
                           38 -> chihou
                           39 -> daisangen
                        40,41 -> suuankou
                           42 -> tsuiisou
                           43 -> ryuuiisou
                           44 -> chinrouto
                        45,46 -> chuurenpooto
                        47,48 -> kokushi
                           49 -> daisuushi
                           50 -> shousuushi
                           51 -> suukantsu
 - ten              Three element list:
                        The fu points in the hand,
                        The point value of the hand,
                        The limit value of the hand:
                            0 -> No limit
                            1 -> Mangan
                            2 -> Haneman
                            3 -> Baiman
                            4 -> Sanbaiman
                            5 -> Yakuman
 - ba               Two element list of stick counts:
                        The number of combo sticks,
                        The number of riichi sticks.
 - sc               List of scores and the changes for each player.
 - owari            Final scores including uma at the end of the game.
<RYUUKYOKU>     The hand ended with a draw
 - type             The type of draw: 
                        "yao9"   -> 9 ends
                        "reach4" -> Four riichi calls
                        "ron3"   -> Triple ron
                        "kan4"   -> Four kans
                        "kaze4"  -> Same wind discard on first round
                        "nm"     -> Nagashi mangan.
 - hai[0-3]         The hands revealed by players as a list of tiles.
 - ba               Two element list of stick counts:
                        The number of combo sticks,
                        The number of riichi sticks.
 - sc               List of scores and the changes for each player.
 - owari            Final scores including uma at the end of the game.

Meld Format


     0                   1
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
    | Base Tile | |   |   |   | |   |
    |    and    |0| T2| T1| T0|1|Who|   
    |Called Tile| |   |   |   | |   |

        Base Tile and Called Tile:
            ((Base / 9) * 7 + Base % 9) * 3 + Chi
            Tile[i] - 4 * i - Base * 4
            Offset of player the tile was called from.
            The tiles in the chi.
            The lowest tile in the chi / 4.
            Which tile out of the three was called.


     0                   1
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
    |  Base Tile  |   |   |K|P| |   |
    |     and     | 0 | T4|A|O|0|Who|
    | Called Tile |   |   |N|N| |   |

        Base Tile and Called Tile:
            Base * 3 + Called
            Tile4 - Base * 4
            Set iff the meld is a pon.
            Set iff the meld is a pon upgraded to a kan.
            Offset of player the tile was called from.
            The tile which is not part of the pon.
            A tile in the pon / 4.
            Which tile out of the three was called.


     0                   1
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
    |   Base Tile   |           |   |
    |      and      |     0     |Who|
    |   Called Tile |           |   |

        Base Tile and Called Tile:
            Base * 4 + Called
            Offset of player the tile was called from or 0 for a closed kan.
            A tile in the kan / 4. 
            Which tile out of the four was called.