Discord-Bilibili-Bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Discord-Bilibili-Bot copied to clipboard

A discord music bot that supports playing songs from Bilibili.

Discord Bilibili Bot

Python version

Discord Bilibili Bot is a MusicBot that is extended from MusicBot to make it support songs from Bilibili. It is written for Python 3.5+ using the discord.py library. It plays requested songs from Bilibili or YouTube into a Discord server (or multiple servers). Besides, if the queue becomes empty MusicBot will play through a list of existing songs with configuration. The bot features a permission system allowing owners to restrict commands to certain people. As well as playing songs, MusicBot is capable of streaming live media into a voice channel (experimental).


Invite running bilibili Bot to your server (deprecated)

~~There is a running instance of this discord Bilibili bot called Bilibili Music Bot available for you to directly use in your channel. Simply invite the bot into your server using this link. The command prefix is > and for all the commands available, please type >help in your channel.~~

The running instance of this discord bot has been stopped due to high server maintainance cost. If you'd like to use it, please follow the instruction below to deploy your own one.

Create your own bilibili bot


Setting up the MusicBot is relatively painless - just follow the one of the guides offered by the original MusicBot, and pay attention to the Bilibili section below. After that, configure the bot to ensure its connection to Discord.

The main configuration file is config/options.ini, but it is not included by default. Simply make a copy of example_options.ini and rename it to options.ini. See example_options.ini for more information about configurations.


There are many commands that can be used with the bot. Most notably, the play <url> command (preceded by your command prefix) will download, process, and play a song from YouTube or a similar site. A full list of commands is available here.

Bilibili related

The functionality part related to Bilibili video downloading is modified from Bilibili_video_download. It was rewritten from synchronous multi-threading downloading into asynchronous downloading using python's asyncio.


There is a new opintion named BilibiliQuality under the MusicBot section which represents the quality of the videos to download from bilibili. The available options includes 80, 64, 32, 16, which represents 1080p, 720p, 480p, 360p correspondingly.


Forks and Pull Requests are welcome! Please make sure you tested the code before creating the PR and please include a brief introduction of what you changed in the PR. Thank you.

Further reading