nvim-config copied to clipboard
Personal neovim configuration⚡🪟 - Fully configured for LaTeX, Python, Lua, C#, HTML, CSS, and Javascript - Neovim version: v0.9+
Just another opinionated, visually appealing Neovim IDE.
Pre-configured for LaTeX, Python, Lua, C#, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Table of Contents
- Screenshots 📷
Installation ⚡
- LaTeX
- Language Servers
- Update 🚀
Features 📃
- General
- LaTeX
- Folder Structure
- Plugins Used
- Mappings
- Todo ✔
Screenshots 📷
Installation ⚡
The following instructions are for Windows (powershell). An admin prompt is required.
Install chocolatey.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
Install main dependencies.
choco install -y git.install --params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoGitLfs /SChannel /NoShellIntegration"; choco install -y neovim python SumatraPDF.install miktex.install; # Needed for various plugins choco install -y universal-ctags strawberryperl make SQLite ripgrep fd golang; refreshenv; exit
Install python dependencies.
pip install pynvim neovim-remote
Clone the repository and open nvim-qt or nvim.
For fresh installation:
git clone https://github.com/Neelfrost/nvim-config.git "$HOME\Appdata\Local\nvim"; nvim-qt.exe
For existing config:
ren "$HOME\Appdata\Local\nvim" 'nvim-old'; git clone https://github.com/Neelfrost/nvim-config.git "$HOME\Appdata\Local\nvim"; nvim-qt.exe
Formatting (latexindent)
latexindent is now included with miktex, so downloading it separately is no longer necessary. Moreover, null-ls is pre-configured to run latexindent on save for tex files. Global formatting rules can be changed by:
:paths: - C:\Users\<username>\defaultSettings.yaml
, followed by copying and overriding defaultSettings.
For further reading refer: docs.
Viewing PDF
To launch SumatraPDF using VimTeX (\lv), ensure SumatraPDF.exe
is added to environment path.
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name path -Value $((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name path).path + ";" + "$HOME\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF" + ";"); refreshenv; exit
Inverse Search
For inverse search, open SumatraPDF then go to Settings -> Options and set inverse search command-line to:
cmd /c start /min nvim --headless -c "PackerLoad vimtex" -c "VimtexInverseSearch %l '%f'"
Use :checkhealth
to check for errors if any.
Language Servers
Python (pyright)
Install npm.
choco install -y nodejs.install; refreshenv; exit
Install pyright.
npm install -g pyright
Install black, isort, and flake for formatting and linting.
pip install flake8 black isort
to check for errors if any.
Lua (sumneko_lua)
Install dependencies.
choco install -y 7zip.install; refreshenv; exit
cd into install directory. For example:
cd C:\tools
Install sumneko lua-language-server.
curl.exe -L $(curl.exe -s https://api.github.com/repos/sumneko/vscode-lua/releases/latest | findstr.exe "win32-x64" | %{"$($_.Split('"')[3])"} | findstr.exe "github") -o lua.vsix; 7z.exe x .\lua.vsix; rm '.\`[Content_Types`].xml'; rm .\extension.vsixmanifest; rm .\lua.vsix; mv .\extension\server\ .; rm .\extension\ -Recurse; Rename-Item .\server\ lua-language-server;
Install stylua for formatting.
curl.exe -L $(curl.exe -s https://api.github.com/repos/JohnnyMorganz/StyLua/releases/latest | findstr.exe "win64.zip" | %{"$($_.Split('"')[3])"} | findstr.exe "github") -o stylua-win64.zip; 7z.exe x -oC:\tools\stylua .\stylua-win64.zip; rm .\stylua-win64.zip; # Add stylua to environment path: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name path -Value $((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name path).path + ";" + "C:\tools\stylua" + ";"); refreshenv; exit
to check for errors if any.
C# (omnisharp)
Install dotnet-sdk.
choco install dotnet-sdk -y
Install omnisharp-roslyn.
curl.exe -L $(curl.exe -s https://api.github.com/repos/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/releases/latest | findstr.exe "omnisharp-win-x64-net6.0.zip" | %{"$($_.Split('"')[3])"} | findstr.exe "github") -o omnisharp-win-x64-net6.0.zip; 7z.exe x -oC:\tools\omnisharp .\omnisharp-win-x64-net6.0.zip; rm .\omnisharp-win-x64-net6.0.zip;
to check for errors if any.
HTML, CSS, Javascript (vscode-langservers-extracted)
Install dependencies.
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
Install prettierd for formatting.
npm i -g @fsouza/prettierd
to check for errors if any.
Update 🚀
Pull changes.
cd "$HOME\Appdata\Local\nvim"; git pull
Open nvim-qt or nvim and update plugins:
Features 📃
- Smart display line movement.
- Resume cursor position when re-opening a file.
- Auto update file if changed outside of neovim.
- Fix mixed indents (tabs are converted to spaces).
- Persistent cursor positions when switching buffers.
- Ability to search custom directories in telescope.nvim.
- Ability to reload specific modules using telescope.nvim.
- Automatically trim trailing whitespaces and newlines on save.
- Search and replace selection (automatically escape special chars).
- Open windows terminal, vscode, explorer at current directory using \\t, \\c, \\e respectively.
Compile status on statusline




- Extensive snippets for LaTeX.
- Better auxiliary file cleaner.
- Null-ls: latexindent, chktex support.
- Automatically substitute
in imports (include, input) with/
on save. - Keybinds for bold, underline, math, chemical formula environments.
- Start newline with \item (or \task) if inside a list environment when pressing Enter, o or O.
Folder Structure
├── after
│ └── ftplugin # filetype specific options, settings, mappings
├── lua # .lua config files
│ └── user
│ └── mappings.lua # keybinds
│ └── options.lua # vim options
│ └── utils.lua # utility functions
│ └── plugins
│ ├── config # plugin config
│ └── init.lua # plugin definition file
├── ultisnips # snippets
│ └── tex # latex snippets
└── viml # .vim config files
- Plugin manager: packer.nvim
- LSP: nvim-lspconfig
- Diagnostics, formatting LSP: null-ls.nvim
- Python language server: pyright
- C# language server: omnisharp
- Lua language server: sumneko_lua
- HTML, CSS, Javascript language server: (vscode-langservers-extracted)
- Function signature when typing: lsp_signature.nvim
- Refactor functionality: refactoring.nvim
- Backup code formatting: neoformat
File navigation
- File explorer: neo-tree.nvim
- Fuzzy finder: telescope.nvim
- Telescope frecency picker: telescope-frecency.nvim
- Telescope fzf sorter: telescope-fzf-native.nvim
- Telescope ultisnips viewer: telescope-ultisnips.nvim
Code completion
- Code completion: nvim-cmp
- Ultisnips source: cmp-nvim-ultisnips
- LSP source: cmp-nvim-lsp
- Buffer source: cmp-buffer
- Path source: cmp-path
- Cmdline source: cmp-cmdline
- Omni source (for vimtex): cmp-omni
- LaTeX support: vimtex
- Snippet engine: ultisnips
- Tag management: vim-gutentags
- Theme support: themer.lua
- Indent lines: indent-blankline.nvim
- Thin virtual column: virt-column.nvim
- Icons support: nvim-web-devicons
- Syntax highlighting: nvim-treesitter
- Colored matching brackets: nvim-ts-rainbow
- Color preview: vim-hexokinase
- Prettier folds: pretty-fold.nvim
Buffer, Status
- Bufferline: cokeline.nvim
- Statusline: heirline.nvim
- Repeat actions: vim-repeat
- Faster navigation: hop.nvim
- Better quickfix: nvim-pqf
- Aligning: vim-easy-align
- Commenting: nvim-comment
- Title Case: vim-titlecase
- Start screen: alpha-nvim
- Auto pair brackets: auto-pairs
- Bracket operations: vim-surround
- Startup time: vim-startuptime
- Fix cursorhold autocmd: FixCursorHold.nvim
- Fast expr folds: FastFold
- Markdown preview: markdown-preview.nvim
- Run commands asynchronously: asyncrun.vim, asyncrun.extra
- Session manager: neovim-session-manager
- Annotation generator: neogen
Shortcut | Mode | Description |
F2 | Normal | Replace word under cursor |
F2 | Visual | Rename selection |
F5 | Normal | Open telescope.nvim module reloader |
F10 | Normal | Toggle spellcheck |
F11 | Normal | Toggle warp |
F12 | Normal | Toggle paste mode |
\\t | Normal | Open windows terminal at cwd |
\\e | Normal | Open explorer at cwd |
\\c | Normal | Open current file in VSCode |
\\n | Normal | Open current file in notepad |
tf | Normal | Open telescope.nvim find files |
tr | Normal | Open telescope.nvim recent files |
ts | Normal | Open telescope.nvim session browser |
\q | Normal | Toggle quickfix |
\h | Normal | Disable search highlight |
\v | Normal/Insert | Paste from system clipboard in paste mode |
\w | Normal | Close buffer (will discard changes if not saved) |
\u | Normal | Open URL under cursor in browser |
\s | Normal | Search word under cursor in browser |
\n | Normal | Open dashboard |
f | Normal | Search buffer using 1 chars |
S | Normal | Search buffer using 2 chars |
Tab | Normal | Move to next buffer |
Shift Tab | Normal | Move to previous buffer |
Tab | Insert | Expand trigger or jump to next tab stop |
Shift Tab | Insert | Jump to previous tab stop |
Ctrl j(k) | Command | Move between completion items |
Ctrl j(k) | Insert | Move between completion items |
Alt d | Normal | Duplicate current line below |
Alt j(k) | Normal/Visual | Move line (block) up or down |
Alt ] | Normal | Increase indent |
Alt [ | Normal | Decrease indent |
Ctrl / | Normal/Visual/Insert | Comment current (selected) line(s) |
Enter | Insert | Select completion item |
Ctrl Space | Insert | Force completion menu to open |
Ctrl c | Insert | Force completion menu to close |
Ctrl e | Insert | Select first completion item |
Ctrl t | Insert | Open omni-func completion |
Ctrl Backspace | Insert | Delete previous word |
Ctrl Delete | Insert | Delete next word |
Ctrl b | Normal | Toggle nvim-tree |
Ctrl f | Normal | Format document |
Ctrl h(jkl) | Normal | Move to window to the left (down, up, right) |
Ctrl s | Normal | Save current file |
Ctrl Shift s | Normal | Save and reload module (current file) |
Ctrl v | Insert | Paste from system clipboard |
Ctrl z | Insert | Correct preceding misspelt word |
Ctrl z | Normal | Correct misspelt word under cursor |
gD | Normal | LSP: Goto function declaration |
gi | Normal | LSP: Goto function implementation |
gh | Normal | LSP: Preview documentation |
gd | Normal | LSP: Preview function definition |
gs | Normal | LSP: Preview signature help |
gr | Normal | LSP: Rename instance |
gl | Normal | LSP: Show line diagnostic |
gR | Normal | LSP: Show references |
ga | Normal | LSP: Trigger code action |
\li | Normal | VimTeX: Info |
\lT | Normal | VimTeX: TOC toggle |
\lq | Normal | VimTeX: Log |
\lv | Normal | VimTeX: View pdf |
\lr | Normal | VimTeX: Reverse search |
\ll | Normal | VimTeX: Compile |
\lk | Normal | VimTeX: Stop |
\le | Normal | VimTeX: Errors |
\lC | Normal | VimTeX: Clean full |
\lx | Normal | VimTeX: Reload |
\lX | Normal | VimTeX: Reload state |
\t | Normal | Python, Lua, C#: Run code in external terminal |
\r | Normal | Python, Lua: Run code without terminal output |
\lt | Normal | Lua (LÖVE2D): Run game in external terminal |
\lr | Normal | Lua (LÖVE2D): Run game without terminal output |
Todo ✔
- [ ] Improve mappings table
- [ ] Document snippets
- [ ] Automatic install script
- [ ] Create video to showcase snippets