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Use utf8len functions instead of string.len in ix.util.WrapText
@alexgrist I have tested and confirmed that this doesn't break anything at face value but it also doesn't change anything. Though, it does have a case where it CAN break something, I believe.
If there isn't a valid UTF-8 character, utf8len will not return a number, it will return false, so the logic here is not fully case safe. If clients find ways to input into displays or chat messages non-utf8 characters in some form, this will error completely, and as such, that needs to
@OffLegAz What is the purpose of using utf8len vs string.len?
Here is the test case I used:
local testcase_352 = { }
testcase_352.wrapBefore = ix.util.WrapText
testcase_352.wrapAfter = function( text, maxWidth, font )
font = font or "ixChatFont"
surface.SetFont( font )
local words = string.Explode( "%s", text, true )
local lines = { }
local line = ""
local lineWidth = 0 -- luacheck: ignore 231
-- we don't need to calculate wrapping if we're under the max width
if ( surface.GetTextSize( text ) <= maxWidth ) then return { text } end
for i = 1, #words do
local word = words[ i ]
local wordWidth = surface.GetTextSize( word )
-- this word is very long so we have to split it by character
if ( wordWidth > maxWidth ) then
local newWidth
for i2 = 1, word:utf8len() do
local character = word[ i2 ]
newWidth = surface.GetTextSize( line .. character )
-- if current line + next character is too wide, we'll shove the next character onto the next line
if ( newWidth > maxWidth ) then
lines[ #lines + 1 ] = line
line = ""
line = line .. character
lineWidth = newWidth
local newLine = line .. " " .. word
local newWidth = surface.GetTextSize( newLine )
if ( newWidth > maxWidth ) then
-- adding this word will bring us over the max width
lines[ #lines + 1 ] = line
line = word
lineWidth = wordWidth
-- otherwise we tack on the new word and continue
line = newLine
lineWidth = newWidth
if ( line ~= "" ) then
lines[ #lines + 1 ] = line
return lines
if CLIENT then
-- local frame = ix.gui.ext.QuickFrame( ScrW( ) * 0.75, ScrH( ) * 0.9, 'testcase_352' )
--Parent Frame
local frame = vgui.Create('DFrame')
if IsValid(ix.gui.testcase_352) then
ix.gui.testcase_352 = frame
frame:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.75, ScrH() * 0.9)
-- frame.display = { }
-- local testLeft = ix.gui.ext.QuickDPanel( frame, LEFT, frame:GetWide( ) / 2 - 8 )
local testLeft = frame:Add('DPanel')
testLeft:SetWide(frame:GetWide() / 2 - 8)
testLeft.wrap = testcase_352.wrapAfter
testLeft.drawY = 0
-- local testRight = ix.gui.ext.QuickDPanel( frame, RIGHT, frame:GetWide( ) / 2 - 8 )
local testRight = frame:Add('DPanel')
testRight:SetWide(frame:GetWide() / 2 - 8)
testRight.wrap = testcase_352.wrapBefore
testRight.drawY = 0
-- local headerNew = ix.gui.ext.QuickDockedPanel( testLeft, 'DLabel', TOP )
local headerNew = testLeft:Add('DLabel')
headerNew:SetText( 'New, using: utf8len' )
headerNew:SetContentAlignment( 5 )
headerNew:SetFont( 'ixMenuButtonFont' )
headerNew:SizeToContents( )
-- local headerOld = ix.gui.ext.QuickDockedPanel( testRight, 'DLabel', TOP )
local headerOld = testRight:Add('DLabel')
headerOld:SetText( 'Old, using: string.len' )
headerOld:SetContentAlignment( 5 )
headerOld:SetFont( 'ixMenuButtonFont' )
headerOld:SizeToContents( )
function frame:StringLogic( )
if frame.halt then return end
local switchTime = self.nextSwitch or 0
local newValue, key = table.Random( ix.lang.stored.english )
if switchTime < CurTime( ) and key then
if ix.lang.stored.english[ key ] and string.len( ix.lang.stored.english[ key ] ) > 32 then
self.displayValue = key
self.nextSwitch = CurTime( ) + .2
key = nil
return self.displayValue
return self.displayValue
local offsetY = 128
local function DrawTextLang( panel, wide, langID, langStr, ft )
local str = Format( '%s: ', langID:upper( ) ) .. ( ix.lang.stored[ langID ][ langStr ] or 'NoTranslation' .. langID )
local wrapTab = panel.wrap( str, wide, ft )
local x = ( wide / 2 ) - 4
if #testcase_352.wrapBefore(str, wide, ft) ~= #testcase_352.wrapAfter(str, wide,ft) then
frame.halt = true
for i = 1, #wrapTab do
draw.SimpleText( wrapTab[ i ], ft, x, panel.drawY + offsetY, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
panel.drawY = panel.drawY + 32
local PaintFunction = function( panel, width, height )
surface.SetDrawColor(frame.halt and Color(255,0,0,128) or ColorAlpha(color_black, 128))
local index = 0
local txt = frame:StringLogic( )
draw.SimpleText( txt, 'ixMediumFont', width / 2, 64, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
panel.drawY = 0
if panel then
local x, y = ( panel:GetWide( ) / 2 ) - 4, offsetY + ( 32 * index )
for k, v in pairs( ix.lang.stored ) do
DrawTextLang( panel, width, k, txt, 'ixMenuButtonFont')
index = index + 1
panel.drawY = panel.drawY + 32
testLeft.Paint = PaintFunction
testRight.Paint = PaintFunction
@ZeMysticalTaco the purpose of using utf8len is simple - string.len counts non-latin characters incorrectly.
Bellow I've printed length of string wich contains 3 cyrillic А's:
By the way, previously I've made PR similar to this one and it was merged.
@ZeMysticalTaco the purpose of using utf8len is simple - string.len counts non-latin characters incorrectly. Bellow I've printed length of string wich contains 3 cyrillic А's:
By the way, previously I've made PR similar to this one and it was merged.
https://i.imgur.com/HrKPi3o.png It does indeed appear to be that way, thank you for clarifying.
Other than a non-utf8 sequence existing (which shouldn't ever happen anyway.] I don't really see any way this code will break anything.