Laurent Maillet
Laurent Maillet
- [x] agree on the document format :) - [ ] digestCredential: write tests - [x] oa json-ld is currently hosted at (for convenience) when ready, we must host...
Enhance diagnose messages when an error is thrown by runtime. Currently we use the message from the error which is not very descriptive. We could instead use the details from...
## Current Behavior Generating a VC using OpenAttestation is not compatible with the W3C standard ## Expected Behavior OpenAttestation **MUST** generate valid W3C VC. ## Proposal The goal is to...
## Current Behavior V3 schema and W3C have some differences which forces us to have a function to map an OA document to a W3C valid document. The problem is...
## Current behavior We don't have JSON-LD for v3 ## Expected behavior To provide JSON-LD and eventually HTML page to describe the properties. See See For a simple...
## Current behavior Validation JSON-LD is slow as explained in #61 ## Expected behavior Adding JSON-LD validation must not be at the cost of user experience: - How much slowness...
## Current behavior The implementation takes an object, and return a new object where each property has been added a salt. Then the signature is computer (merkle root). and added...
## Current Behavior `issuanceDate` is not added to the VC. ## Expected Behavior Being a mandatory W3C field, `issuanceDate` is automatically added to the VC.
> Separately should we add in a `generator` that takes in a unsigned W3C VC document ([Example]( [](/w3c/vc-test-suite/blob/HEAD@{2019-12-13T06:08:02Z}/test/vc-data-model-1.0/input/example-1.jsonld)) and then generate a valid OA document (adding the salt and shit)...
>Should OA also perform validation on external schema. So I can pass in my own json schema and it checks that it conforms to the base OA schema and the...