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JSON logger formatter with support for Google Cloud, DataDog and other for Elixir.


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JSON console back-end for Elixir Logger.

It can be used as drop-in replacement for default :console Logger back-end in cases where you use use Google Cloud Logger, DataDog or other JSON-based log collectors. After adding this back-end you may also be interested in redirecting otp and sasl reports to Logger (see "Error Logger configuration" section).

Minimum supported Erlang/OTP version is 20.

Log Format

LoggerJSON provides three JSON formatters out of the box and allows developers to implement a custom one.


The LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicLogger formatter provides a generic JSON formatted message with no vendor specific entries in the payload. A sample log entry from LoggerJSON.Formatters.BasicLogger looks like the following:

  "time": "2020-04-02T11:59:06.710Z",
  "severity": "debug",
  "message": "hello",
  "metadata": {
    "user_id": 13


Generates JSON that is compatible with the Google Cloud Logger LogEntry format:

    "function":"Elixir.LoggerJSONGoogleTest.test metadata can be configured/1",

Notice that GKE doesn't allow to set certain fields of the LogEntry, so support is limited. The results in Google Cloud Logger would looks something like this:



Adheres to the default standard attribute list.

  "domain": ["elixir"],
  "duration": 3863403,
  "http": {
    "url": "http://localhost/create-account",
    "status_code": 200,
    "method": "GET",
    "referer": "http://localhost:4000/login",
    "request_id": "http_FlDCOItxeudZJ20AAADD",
    "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36",
    "url_details": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 4000,
      "path": "/create-account",
      "queryString": "",
      "scheme": "http"
  "logger": {
    "thread_name": "#PID<0.1042.0>",
    "method_name": "Elixir.LoggerJSON.Plug.call/2"
  "message": "",
  "network": {
    "client": {
      "ip": ""
  "phoenix": {
    "controller": "Elixir.RecognizerWeb.Accounts.UserRegistrationController",
    "action": "new"
  "request_id": "http_FlDCOItxeudZJ20AAADD",
  "syslog": {
    "hostname": [10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100],
    "severity": "info",
    "timestamp": "2020-12-14T19:16:55.088Z"

Custom formatters

You can change this structure by implementing LoggerJSON.Formatter behaviour and passing module name to :formatter config option. Example module can be found in LoggerJSON.Formatters.GoogleCloudLogger.

config :logger_json, :backend,
  formatter: MyFormatterImplementation


It's available on Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add :logger_json to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:logger_json, "~> 5.0"}]
  1. Set configuration in your config/config.exs:
config :logger_json, :backend,
  metadata: :all,
  json_encoder: Jason,
  formatter: LoggerJSON.Formatters.GoogleCloudLogger

Some integrations (for eg. Plug) use metadata to log request and response parameters. You can reduce log size by replacing :all (which means log all metadata) with a list of the ones that you actually need.

Beware that LoggerJSON always ignores some metadata keys, but formatters like GoogleCloudLogger and DatadogLogger still persist those metadata values into a structured output. This behavior is similar to the default Elixir logger backend.

  1. Replace default Logger :console back-end with LoggerJSON:
config :logger,
  backends: [LoggerJSON]
  1. Optionally. Log requests and responses by replacing a Plug.Logger in your endpoint with a:
plug LoggerJSON.Plug
  1. Optionally. Use Ecto telemetry for additional metadata:

Attach telemetry handler for Ecto events in start/2 function in application.ex

:ok =
    [:my_app, :repo, :query],

Prevent duplicate logging of events, by setting log configuration option to false

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  log: false

Dynamic configuration

For dynamically configuring the endpoint, such as loading data from environment variables or configuration files, LoggerJSON provides an :on_init option that allows developers to set a module, function and list of arguments that is invoked when the endpoint starts.

config :logger_json, :backend,
  on_init: {YourApp.Logger, :load_from_system_env, []}

Encoders support

You can replace default Jason encoder with other module that supports encode_to_iodata!/1 function and encoding fragments.


The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/logger_json


Many source code has been taken from original Elixir Logger :console back-end source code, so I want to thank all it's authors and contributors.

Part of LoggerJSON.Plug module have origins from plug_logger_json by @bleacherreport, originally licensed under Apache License 2.0. Part of LoggerJSON.PlugTest are from Elixir's Plug licensed under Apache 2.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016 Nebo #15

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in LICENSE.md.