gandalf.api copied to clipboard
Please mention in your documentation about installing Mongo PHP Drivers.
I dont think puppet handles the installation of the MongoPHP Drivers and the vagrant box does not either.
Add this line to the Vagrantfile config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo apt-get install php-mongodb"
I think we will prepare different installation option - providing a fully ready Docker container that can be configured via environment variables.
@AndrewDryga are you thinking of a docker compose that will spin up gandalf.web and gandalf.api and have them work together ... or just a single Dockerfile for gandalf.api ... and a separate one for gandalf.web?
We will start from separate containers, and maybe we will add a Docker Compose example later.
I tried running all API, WEB, and Mongo container in the same network using docker compose file I created . Can't seem to get working. Web and API containers run fine but can't seem to make each other talk. Any part I am missing?
There is a configuration file that you need to copy and specify the URL for the angular app to connect the the Gandalf API. If I am correct it should be this file
@jsrosas I saw in a print-screen that you had a running example? Did you get it running through the dockers? Care to do provide a simple how-to for that? Same as @koirala, I have API and Web independent installed, but cannot get them communicate (I used npm install for the web and also have the api running under Apache as laravel app).