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SeatingEquipment and ShelterEquipment
I have a question and possibly an issue. I was going through the equipment section and I noticed that both Shelter and Seating has the "Seats" counter, but only Seats has Armrest and SeatHeight.
So I got to wondering, why does ShelterEquipment have its own Seats
instead of just adding a SeatingEquipment
in the shelter?
What we have is:
<ShelterEquipment id="FSR:Shelter:1" version="1">
<SeatingEquipment id="FSR:SeatingEquipment:1" version="1">
Which reads as 4 seats in the shelter and 4 separate seats, which is fine. That is a possibility. But I can only describe SeatHeight and Armrest if the seats are separate from the shelter.
But it could have this?
<ShelterEquipment id="FSR:Shelter:1" version="1">
<SeatingEquipment id="FSR:SeatingEquipment:1" version="1">
Now I'm describing 4 seats with armrests and a height IN the shelter.
It would provide much more information on the seats in the shelter, and it would use the same structure used to describe seats that NOT in a shelter. I hope my analysis makes sense 🤞