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Next duty
This is the work that @Aurige wanted to do. I already started. Next step is integrating the changes of @nick-knowles .
TODO from @duexw
Some initial comments on duties and duty parts:
- It would be nice to have a reference to VehicleScheduleFrame
- Should have number / external identifier (the duty number plays a strong role in existing systems)
- should have direct day type Reference like Block
- Reference to a Garage or to a DutyGroup which refers to a Garage
- either add start + end place and time or make dutyPart mandatory
- Qualifications would be good to have
DutyPart: Driver Access / Return Duration: Included in Start/End Time or on top? What is the difference between this element and the driver trip times?
dutyActivities: DriverTrips do not have explicit Start and End Time
Driving Spell:
- Should also have Start and End Time (Reference to ReliefOpportunity is not enough)
- Spell/VehicleJourneyRef: A spell could cover several subsequent journeys
General: AccountableElement would need some "Type of Account", e.g. an activity might lead to several times such as driving time, night time, inconvenience surcharge... Standby / Reserve duty are two different types of duty, how would one model reserve duty?
Much better now, but some work to be done yet
Getting #421 in, is difficult...
Getting #421 in, is difficult...
I guess that we need to ask @nick-knowles to bring his addition by hand on this next_duty branch ! Since he recreated #421 from scratch, I'm not sure that a traditional merge can manage it.
check if this still relevant.
@skinkie @Aurige It seems that with deckplan this would be a breeze to merge, if it is still valid. Pls advise.
Duty stuff was only advisory and had never been systematically revised for implementation. eg to factor out common properties.
NB Time allowance does affect existing block
Postpone (not for 2.0)
Further revisions to UML
NeTEx Duty
Transmodel Duty
NeTEx DUty Strecth
Cpmments on TODO from @duexw
Some initial comments on duties and duty parts:
DriverScheduleFrame: It would be nice to have DriverScheduleFrame containing DUTIES - Should a Vehicle Schedue frame reference it>
Should have number / external identifier (the duty number plays a strong role in existing systems) ++ covered by privateCOdes on DataManagedObject
should have direct day type Reference like Block ++ yes . added
Reference to a Garage or to a DutyGroup which refers to a Garage
- added to NetEAx and Transmodel. ALso TM specifues should be able to reference ORGANISATIONLA UNOT - added to NeTEx too
either add start + end place and time or make dutyPart mandatory ++ DITY PART is mandatory
Qualifications would be good to have ++ added DutyPart: ??Driver Access / Return Duration: Included in Start/End Time or on top?
++On top> What is the difference between this element and the driver trip times? ++ could cover non driving tasks?
dutyActivities: DriverTrips do not have explicit Start and End Time +yes, they are taken from the SPell ?
Driving Spell:
Should also have Start and End Time (Reference to ReliefOpportunity is not enough) ++ Added in NeTEx
Spell/VehicleJourneyRef: A spell could cover several subsequent journeys + derived through BLOCK?
General: AccountableElement would need some "Type of Account", e.g. an activity might lead to several times such as driving time, night time, inconvenience surcharge...
- Add a Type of Accountable Activity allows classifcation of axtivity
Standby / Reserve duty are two different types of duty, how would one model reserve duty? We have a STANDBY Task. Is this a new IN RESERVE TASK is it a new further classifcation of DUTY?