Tim Steinbach

Results 41 comments of Tim Steinbach

I would go even further... Include companion objects, `Functions`, `Syntax` and `Module` and let's properly define what they include and mean. Are they even all needed? I, for one, can't...

Things like `MonadInstances` only exist because they provide instances for types we do not control, correct? (i.e. the Scala standard library) Why not get rid of all the `Instances` in...

An extra import? Can you not just throw them into the Prelude the same way it is done now?

Should we maybe convert the `example` project to use [tut](https://github.com/tpolecat/tut), so that Markdown can be used to explain certain pieces of code, thereby providing rich documentation?

I have only ever done this for an internal project (on GitHub Enterprise) and we have our build server build the documentation, then commit it into a separate repo, whose...

The only thing is that we get validation out of `tut`. I have no experience with these embedded things but we would not want to lose validation.

There are currently no artifacts that are being published. Documentation beyond the `README` can be found in the `examples` project, which I converted to `tut` in #1530 and expanded upon...

It's not supposed to be free forever, if I understand correctly: > For GitLab.com users, GitLab CI/CD for GitHub will be available promotionally in our Free tier through March 22,...

Oh, OK, so OSS gets Gold for free. CI/CD goes from the Free Tier into Silver/Gold in March. Should be OK then as long as we sign up as a...

Please make sure to also adjust all the changes to the example projects then