RangeNetTrt8 copied to clipboard
tensorrt8 && cuda && libtorch implementation of rangenet++
Hi, thank u for your work. I'm trying to build your repo on Nvidia agx xavier , when I do catkin_make in my workspace , I get errors at linking...
利用原仓库的create_onnx.py生成onnx后,放入工程,在生成trt时报错如下: [09/19/2024-15:50:12] [E] Unexpected exception vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 236) >= this->size() (which is 181) Segmentation fault (core dumped) 请问是什么原因引起的呢?感谢回复
请问一下,怎样才可以从 https://github.com/PRBonn/lidar-bonnetal 里面导出跟您的工程一样的onnx呢?