nativescript-geolocation copied to clipboard
Heading (direction) between 2 locations
I am trying to reproduce an app from my Suunto watch. Basically, it returns the heading between 2 locations. For example, "N" means that I am currently "north" of the original (first) location.
Suunto has a heading function (see below) that returns this info. Is it possible to have something similar with the geolocation plugin?
Returns the heading from current location to given location.
Script: retVal = Suunto.heading(lat, lon, lat2, lon2)
• lat1: type float, degrees, range [-90,90]
• lon1: type float, degrees, range [-180,180]
• lat2: type float, degrees, range [-90,90]
• lon2: type float, degrees, range [-180,180]
• retVal: type float, degrees, range [0,360]
Currently, I am calculation this using this code:
//Functions to calculate origin bearing
function radians(n) {
return n * (Math.PI / 180);
function degrees(n) {
return n * (180 / Math.PI);
function getBearing(startLat,startLong,endLat,endLong){
startLat = radians(startLat);
startLong = radians(startLong);
endLat = radians(endLat);
endLong = radians(endLong);
var dLong = endLong - startLong;
var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(endLat/2.0+Math.PI/4.0)/Math.tan(startLat/2.0+Math.PI/4.0));
if (Math.abs(dLong) > Math.PI){
if (dLong > 0.0)
dLong = -(2.0 * Math.PI - dLong);
dLong = (2.0 * Math.PI + dLong);
return (degrees(Math.atan2(dLong, dPhi)) + 360.0) % 360.0;