nativescript-fresco copied to clipboard
iOS support
Thank you for the awesome plugin. Any chance iOS support will be added any time soon?
Hi @terreb ,
Thank you for your kind words, there are ideas of bringing similar "Fresco" implementation on the iOS side of this plugin but for now since there is no such iOS native component/library such feature is not planned immediate release. If you have any ideas on how this could be achieve for iOS please share it with us and the community.
Hi @VladimirAmiorkov,
Thanks for your reply.
Well, until anything like that appears for iOS I thought of using nativescript image and image-cache functionality to "mimic" the methods of Fresco plugin. Since both components works pretty well on iOS I believe the most features of Fresco can be implemented just with them.
@terreb Indeed they are similar but a lot of what makes Fresco on Android is missing on iOS altogether, If you believe that using the default Image + image cache will be beneficial in achieving the same behavior from Android on iOS and you like to contribute to the {N} community we would love to see this as PR to the nativescript-fresco
plugin, here details on how you can start contributing to the plugin via its demo app.
@VladimirAmiorkov, ok, thank you.
We can use library for IOS ?
Hi @mpochron ,
This looks promising indeed. I have not experiment with this library on iOS so I cannot say for sure but it is worth it to give it a try. We are always welcoming contributions to this or any other NativeScript plugin so if you feel up to the task of implementing this library into the missing iOS functionality of the fresco plugin I would be happy to assist you by reviewing a PR, merging it and releasing a new version.
@VladimirAmiorkov I wrote a basic iOS version of the fresco module here. Basic features work, especially loading images ;) Some feature like decoding, blur.... are not developed yet but will be very easy to develop as soon as SDWebImage 5.0 lands. But before i make a PR i would like to discuss with you the way it should be done. I have an issue with plugin actually being called Fresco if we add the iOS implementation. Should we think about renaming that repo? Should i create a new repo/plugin based on your code and adding iOS implementation?
Hi @farfromrefug,
Awesome. You have a point the name Fresco is more or less and Android only term, we will discussed what is the best way to handle the iOS approach and get back to you.
@VladimirAmiorkov had to move forward. For now the plugin is now called nativescript-image and hosted here:
I kept your directory structure but rewrote quite a few things. Still want to merge it with you or even transfer the ownership. Pretty well tested. Remains a bug in listview on iOS which i think come from the listview module.
Let me know
Hey all, I'm sorry for prolonging this discussion so much. We have two suggestions how to move this forward. In general, we would like to minimise the effort needed for maintaining this functionality and ideally we would like to have one plugin for iOS and Android. So here are the two options:
Option 1: Deprecate the nativescript-fresco plugin and create a new one based on @farfromrefug’s fork of the @triniwiz’s nativescript-image-cache-it plugin. Probably, it would be nice if the original nativescript-image-cache-it is deprecated to avoid confusion, but it’s not entirely necessarily.
Option 2: Deprecate the nativescript-frescon plugin and merge back the implementation from @farfromrefug’s fork to the origin repository.
@triniwiz, @farfromrefug - as you both are the main stakeholders in this decision, we would really like to hear your thoughts and together to decide what would be the best way to move forward.
@etabakov already published and working as nativescript-image
@etabakov my cache plugin was initially done based on the picasso lib then ios support was added later on I don't think it should be a problem to have both plugins although they are using the same ios lib
@triniwiz agreed
OK, so next steps would be to deprecate the nativescript-fresco package and redirect users to the nativescript-image plugin. Sounds like a solid plan to me.