nativescript-angular copied to clipboard
Build failing with An @import loop has been found after upgrading to NS 7 and Angular 10
Provide version numbers for the following components (information can be retrieved by running tns info
in your project folder or by inspecting the package.json
of the project):
- CLI: 7.0.10
- Cross-platform modules: 7.0.11
- Android Runtime: 7.0.0
- iOS Runtime: 7.0.1
- NativeScript-Angular: 10.0.3
- Angular: 10.1.6
Describe the bug I've upgraded from NS 6.5 to NS 7 via tns migrate I've upgraded from Angular 8 to Angular 9 to Angular 10 via ng update
After the upgrade, the build is failing with the following error
ERROR in Module build failed (from ../node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: An @import loop has been found:
src/app/+setup/init/init.component.scss imports src/app/+setup/init/init.component.scss
on line 1 of src/app/+setup/init/init.component.scss
>> @import "../../../assets/styles/variables";
Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
After troubleshooting the issue, I've found out that this issue is resulting by platform specific stylings.
I have
(imports init.component.scss) -
(imports init.component.scss)
In my component I have
After removing the imports of init.component.scss
from the two platform specific scss files, the build passed.
Below is my webpack config
const {join, relative, resolve, sep, dirname} = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const nsWebpack = require('@nativescript/webpack');
const nativescriptTarget = require('@nativescript/webpack/nativescript-target');
const {
} = require('@nativescript/webpack/transformers/ns-support-hmr-ng');
const {nsTransformNativeClassesNg} = require("@nativescript/webpack/transformers/ns-transform-native-classes-ng");
const {
} = require('@nativescript/webpack/utils/ast-utils');
const {getNoEmitOnErrorFromTSConfig, getCompilerOptionsFromTSConfig} = require("@nativescript/webpack/utils/tsconfig-utils");
const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const {BundleAnalyzerPlugin} = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer');
const {
} = require('nativescript-worker-loader/NativeScriptWorkerPlugin');
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const {
} = require('@nativescript/webpack/plugins/NativeScriptAngularCompilerPlugin');
const hashSalt =;
module.exports = env => {
// Add your custom Activities, Services and other Android app components here.
const appComponents = [
"@nativescript/core/ui/frame", "@nativescript/core/ui/frame/activity"
const platform = env && (( && 'android') || (env.ios && 'ios'));
if (!platform) {
throw new Error('You need to provide a target platform!');
const targetEnv = env && ( && "prod" || env.stg && "stg");
const AngularCompilerPlugin = getAngularCompilerPlugin(platform);
const projectRoot = __dirname;
// Default destination inside platforms/<platform>/...
const dist = resolve(
nsWebpack.getAppPath(platform, projectRoot)
const {
// The 'appPath' and 'appResourcesPath' values are fetched from
// the nsconfig.json configuration file
// when bundling with `tns run android|ios --bundle`.
appPath = 'src',
appResourcesPath = 'App_Resources',
// You can provide the following flags when running 'tns run android|ios'
snapshot, // --env.snapshot,
production, // --env.production
uglify, // --env.uglify
report, //
sourceMap, // --env.sourceMap
hiddenSourceMap, // --env.hiddenSourceMap
hmr, // --env.hmr,
unitTesting, // --env.unitTesting
testing, // --env.testing
verbose, // --env.verbose
ci, //
snapshotInDocker, // --env.snapshotInDocker
skipSnapshotTools, // --env.skipSnapshotTools
compileSnapshot // --env.compileSnapshot
} = env;
const useLibs = compileSnapshot;
const isAnySourceMapEnabled = !!sourceMap || !!hiddenSourceMap;
const externals = nsWebpack.getConvertedExternals(env.externals);
const appFullPath = resolve(projectRoot, appPath);
const appResourcesFullPath = resolve(projectRoot, appResourcesPath);
let tsConfigName = 'tsconfig.json';
let tsConfigTnsName = 'tsconfig.tns.json';
let tsConfigPath = resolve(projectRoot, tsConfigName);
const tsConfigTnsPath = resolve(projectRoot, tsConfigTnsName);
if (fs.existsSync(tsConfigTnsPath)) {
// still support shared angular app configurations
tsConfigName = tsConfigTnsName;
tsConfigPath = tsConfigTnsPath;
const entryModule = `${nsWebpack.getEntryModule(appFullPath, platform)}.ts`;
const entryPath = `.${sep}${entryModule}`;
const entries = {bundle: entryPath};
const areCoreModulesExternal =
Array.isArray(env.externals) &&
env.externals.some(e => e.indexOf('@nativescript') > -1);
if (platform === 'ios' && !areCoreModulesExternal && !testing) {
entries['tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules'] =
const compilerOptions = getCompilerOptionsFromTSConfig(tsConfigPath);
const ngCompilerTransformers = [nsTransformNativeClassesNg];
const additionalLazyModuleResources = [];
const copyIgnore = {ignore: [`${relative(appPath, appResourcesFullPath)}/**`]};
const copyTargets = [
{from: 'assets/**', noErrorOnMissing: true, globOptions: {dot: false, ...copyIgnore}},
{from: 'fonts/**', noErrorOnMissing: true, globOptions: {dot: false, ...copyIgnore}},
if (!production) {
// for development purposes only
// for example, include mock json folder
// copyTargets.push({ from: 'tools/mockdata', to: 'assets/mockdata' });
if (hmr) {
// when "@angular/core" is external, it's not included in the bundles. In this way, it will be used
// directly from node_modules and the Angular modules loader won't be able to resolve the lazy routes
// fixes
if (env.externals && env.externals.indexOf('@angular/core') > -1) {
const appModuleRelativePath = getMainModulePath(
resolve(appFullPath, entryModule),
if (appModuleRelativePath) {
const appModuleFolderPath = dirname(
resolve(appFullPath, appModuleRelativePath)
// include the new lazy loader path in the allowed ones
const ngCompilerPlugin = new AngularCompilerPlugin({
hostReplacementPaths: nsWebpack.getResolver([platform, 'tns']),
platformTransformers: =>
t(() => ngCompilerPlugin, resolve(appFullPath, entryModule), projectRoot)
mainPath: join(appFullPath, entryModule),
skipCodeGeneration: false,
sourceMap: !!isAnySourceMapEnabled,
additionalLazyModuleResources: additionalLazyModuleResources,
compilerOptions: {paths: compilerOptions.paths}
let sourceMapFilename = nsWebpack.getSourceMapFilename(
const itemsToClean = [`${dist}/**/*`];
if (platform === 'android') {
const noEmitOnErrorFromTSConfig = getNoEmitOnErrorFromTSConfig(tsConfigName);
nsWebpack.processAppComponents(appComponents, platform);
const config = {
mode: production ? 'production' : 'development',
context: appFullPath,
watchOptions: {
ignored: [
// Don't watch hidden files
target: nativescriptTarget,
entry: entries,
output: {
pathinfo: false,
path: dist,
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2',
filename: '[name].js',
globalObject: 'global',
resolve: {
extensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.scss', '.css'],
// Resolve {N} system modules from @nativescript/core
modules: [
resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@nativescript/core'),
resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
alias: {
'~/package.json': resolve(projectRoot, 'package.json'),
'~': appFullPath,
"tns-core-modules": "@nativescript/core",
"nativescript-angular": "@nativescript/angular"
symlinks: true
resolveLoader: {
symlinks: false
node: {
// Disable node shims that conflict with NativeScript
http: false,
timers: false,
setImmediate: false,
fs: 'empty',
__dirname: false
devtool: hiddenSourceMap
? 'hidden-source-map'
: sourceMap
? 'inline-source-map'
: 'none',
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: 'single',
noEmitOnErrors: noEmitOnErrorFromTSConfig,
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
vendor: {
name: 'vendor',
chunks: 'all',
test: (module, chunks) => {
const moduleName = module.nameForCondition
? module.nameForCondition()
: '';
return (
/[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/.test(moduleName) ||
appComponents.some(comp => comp === moduleName)
enforce: true
minimize: !!uglify,
minimizer: [
new TerserPlugin({
parallel: true,
cache: !ci,
sourceMap: isAnySourceMapEnabled,
terserOptions: {
output: {
comments: false,
semicolons: !isAnySourceMapEnabled
compress: {
// The Android SBG has problems parsing the output
// when these options are enabled
collapse_vars: platform !== 'android',
sequences: platform !== 'android',
// custom
drop_console: true,
drop_debugger: true,
ecma: 6,
keep_infinity: platform === 'android', // for Chrome/V8
reduce_funcs: platform !== 'android', // for Chrome/V8
global_defs: {
__UGLIFIED__: true
// custom
ecma: 6,
safari10: platform !== 'android'
module: {
rules: [
include: join(appFullPath, entryPath),
use: [
// Require all Android app components
platform === 'android' && {
loader: '@nativescript/webpack/helpers/android-app-components-loader',
options: {modules: appComponents}
loader: '@nativescript/webpack/bundle-config-loader',
options: {
angular: true,
loadCss: !snapshot, // load the application css if in debug mode
ignoredFiles: nsWebpack.getUserDefinedEntries(entries, platform)
].filter(loader => !!loader)
{test: /\.html$|\.xml$/, use: 'raw-loader'},
test: /[\/|\\]app\.css$/,
use: [
loader: "@nativescript/webpack/helpers/css2json-loader",
options: {useForImports: true}
test: /[\/|\\]app\.scss$/,
use: [
loader: "@nativescript/webpack/helpers/css2json-loader",
options: {useForImports: true}
any updates on this issue ?
@AndriiYalovenko As a workaround I did:
- init.component.common.scss
- (imports init.component.common.scss)
- init.component.ios.scss (imports init.component.common.scss)