redactor-css icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
redactor-css copied to clipboard

Apply CSS classes to your Craft CMS Rich Text fields i.e. Redactor WYSIWYG

Note to all: currently redactor-css works with Craft 2.2.2607 and below. Craft 2.3.2615 introduces Redactor v.10 and therefore this plugin will require a full re-write.

Redactor CSS

Apply CSS classes to your Craft CMS Rich Text fields i.e. Redactor WYSIWYG


For Craft 2.2.2607 <=

Download current version and unzip the redactorcss folder.

Copy redactorcss to your craft/plugins directory


Install as you would any Craft plugin. Once installed click Redactor CSS link to add your classes.

Click the " + Add a row" button to start adding your class label and class as seen below. Repeat for each class:

Redactor CSS

Update Redactor Configs by adding redactorcss to the plugins object e.g. plugins: ['fullscreen', 'pagebreak', 'redactorcss']

Now you should see a new CSS3 Icon in the Rich Text field: Launch Redactor CSS

Click on an element you would like to apply a class to and then click the icon to access Redactor CSS's Modal Window:

Redactor CSS Modal

Choose the classes you'd like to apply to the element. You may apply multiple classes by SHIFT clicking a set of classes or by CTRL (Win) or CMD (MAC) clicking each class one by one. CTRL/CMD click again to unset a selection.

Finally hit the insert button and you're done!

There is an add/edit shortcut link which will take you to the plugin's settings to add/edit/delete classes.

Note: your frontend CSS files should include the styles for the classes you've added but, you knew that already, I'm sure.

Change Log

Apr 11, 2014: 0.1

Beta - Initial Release

To-do & Considerations:

  • Edit current class/classes option
  • Remove all added class/classes option
  • Research Redactor in editor styling
  • Add regex checking for Class field
  • Inline style support
    • applies style="{some_saved_styles}" to the element
  • Image or info icon - when clicked gives more information or even a visual regarding class so clients know the outcome once applied


Github Issues
