elasticsearch-reactive-spring-data icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
elasticsearch-reactive-spring-data copied to clipboard

:trophy: A very basic sample starter application for Elasticsearch using Reactive Spring Data

Elasticsearch Engine

:trophy: Sample Elasticsearch engine using Reactive Spring Data.


  • Read CSV and persist data in your elasticsearch cluster
  • Add, search and filter data
  • Basic operation to play around with elastic cluster
  • Application fully reactive and non blocking

For High Level REST Client; please refer this repository : https://github.com/Nasruddin/spring-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client


  • Java 8+
  • Docker Compose
  • ElasticVue: Elasticsearch Firefox Extension


Please download ElasticSearch of 2.4.x if you are using Spring Boot 1.5.x. If you don't use correct versions then you should get following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Received message from unsupported version: [2.0.0] minimal compatible version is: [5.0.0]

Also, if you are update Spring Boot to 2.x.x please download/run elasticsearch 6.8.3 version. If not you might face following issue:

failed to load elasticsearch nodes : org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: 
None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{uWHhZacNR9mbfojQOayyAg}{}{}]

Running the sample app

  • Install and run Elastic Server 6.8.3
cd docker 
docker compose -f docker-compose-elastic.yml up
  • Build the project and create an Image out of it
mvn clean install
docker compose up
  • Open browser and hit localhost:9200 and you should see below response
    name: "elasticsearch",
    cluster_name: "docker-cluster",
    cluster_uuid: "49K60TXkQ0CW7utAmS8RFg",
    version: {
        number: "7.12.1",
        build_flavor: "default",
        build_type: "docker",
        build_hash: "3186837139b9c6b6d23c3200870651f10d3343b7",
        build_date: "2021-04-20T20:56:39.040728659Z",
        build_snapshot: false,
        lucene_version: "8.8.0",
        minimum_wire_compatibility_version: "6.8.0",
        minimum_index_compatibility_version: "6.0.0-beta1"
    tagline: "You Know, for Search"
  • You can access cluster info using curl cmd in your terminal
curl localhost:8888/elastic-cluster/info
  • Below output should be seen post your curl cmd

    Alt text

  • Once elasticsearch server and application starts successfully, open swagger UI using http://localhost:8888/swagger-ui/index.html

    Alt text

  • Execute /movie/generate under movie-resource to populate your elasticsearch engine. As soon as you execute the resource; you should be able to see data in GUI for elasticsearch, in my ElasticVue for firefox. Refer below image:

Alt text

  • Now you should have enough data to play around with. Also, you can persist you own data.

Extra Points

Additional endpoints exposed to get elastic details and clearing indices.

  • http://localhost:8888/elastic-cluster/clear-indices
  • http://localhost:8888/elastic-cluster/info


  • More APIs to be added
  • Test containers