RaspberryPi-ObjectDetection-TensorFlow copied to clipboard
Object Detection using TensorFlow on a Raspberry Pi
Object Detection Using Tensorflow on the Raspberry Pi
Script for object detection from training new model on dataset to exporting quantized graph
Step 1. Setup
Using docker registry
This is the fastest way to use the repo
# For cpu
docker pull docker.nanonets.com/pi_training
# For gpu
docker pull docker.nanonets.com/pi_training:gpu
Building locally
Docker build script
Should run this script from repository root
# For cpu
docker build -t pi_training -f docker/Dockerfile.training .
docker image tag pi_training docker.nanonets.com/pi_training
# For gpu
docker build -t pi_training:gpu -f docker/Dockerfile.training.gpu .
docker image tag pi_training:gpu docker.nanonets.com/pi_training:gpu
Step 2. Preparing dataset
Dataset for object detection consists of images of objects you want to detect and annotations which are xml files with coordinates of objects inside images in Pascal VOC format. If you have collected images, you can use tool like LabelImg to create dataset.
Copy dataset with images
folder containing all training images and annotations
folder containing all respective annotations inside data
folder in repo which will be mounted by docker as volume
Step 3. Starting training
Tensorboard will be started at port 8000 and run in background You can specify -h parameter to get help for docker script
If you have a GPU instance, you need to install nvidia-docker
# For cpu
sudo docker run -p 8000:8000 -v `pwd`/data:/data docker.nanonets.com/pi_training -m train -a ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco -e ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_0 -p '{"batch_size":8,"learning_rate":0.003}'
# For gpu
sudo nvidia-docker run -p 8000:8000 -v `pwd`/data:/data docker.nanonets.com/pi_training:gpu -m train -a ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco -e ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_0 -p '{"batch_size":8,"learning_rate":0.003}'
The docker instance on startup runs a script run.sh which takes the following parameters:
run.sh [-m mode] [-a architecture] [-h help] [-e experiment_id] [-c checkpoint] [-p hyperparameters]
-h display this help and exit
-m mode: should be either `train` or `export`
-p key value pairs of hyperparameters as json string
-e experiment id. Used as path inside data folder to run current experiment
-c applicable when mode is export, used to specify checkpoint to use for export
List of Models (that can be passed to -a):
- ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco
- ssd_inception_v2_coco
- faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco
- faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco
- rfcn_resnet101_coco
- faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco
- faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco
- faster_rcnn_nas
Possible hyperparameters to override from -p command in json
Name | Type |
learning_rate | float |
batch_size | int |
train_steps | int |
eval_steps | int |
Step 4. Exporting trained model
This command would export trained model in quantized graph that can be used for prediction. You need to specify one of the trained checkpoints from experiment directory that you want to use for prediction with -c command as follows:
# For cpu
sudo docker run -v `pwd`/data:/data docker.nanonets.com/pi_training -m export -a ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco -e ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_0 -c /data/0/model.ckpt-8998
# For gpu
sudo nvidia-docker run -v `pwd`/data:/data docker.nanonets.com/pi_training:gpu -m export -a ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco -e ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_0 -c /data/0/model.ckpt-8998
Once your done training the model and have exported it you can move this onto a client device like the Raspberry Pi. For details of how to use on the Raspberry Pi click see https://github.com/NanoNets/TF-OD-Pi-Test