Nancy.Bootstrappers.Ninject copied to clipboard
Ninject binding issue with IDiagnosticsProvider
it all worked when I used the Nancy internal IoC. With this lib I now get this exception:
A first chance exception of type 'Ninject.ActivationException' occurred in Ninject.dll Additional information: Error activating IntPtr No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable. Activation path: 4) Injection of dependency IntPtr into parameter method of constructor of type Func{IRouteCache} 3) Injection of dependency Func{IRouteCache} into parameter routeCacheFactory of constructor of type DefaultRouteCacheProvider 2) Injection of dependency IDiagnosticsProvider into parameter diagnosticProviders of constructor of type DefaultDiagnostics
- Request for IDiagnostics
I am using the latest stable nuget packages:
- Nancy 0.23.2
- Nancy.Bootstrappers.Ninject 0.23.2
- Ninject
- Ninject.Extensions.ChildKernel
I have a workaround. Injecting this bind in the bootstrapper:
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(IKernel existingContainer)
existingContainer.Rebind<Func<IRouteCache>>().ToMethod(ctx =>
() => ctx.Kernel.Get<IRouteCache>());
// A Bind might be enough.
The problem might be that Ninject cannot inject into constructor parameters of type Func<Interface>
as is the case in DefaultRouteCacheProvider
Am I doing anything wrong or am I just the first to notice this?
Try this
From here!topic/nancy-web-framework/-d4g3D-o_-w
danbarua, your phrase must be in documentation of this project! Thank you!