Right I will do some testing of the authentication this weekend. Lets get that resolved/verified as working. I see the official MQTT client claims to support SSL and maybe we...
I just compiled it on SDK 1.0.4 on Ubuntu and it works. @tuanpmt I have modified your makefile to work on ubuntu with the open-esp-sdk toolchain. I would like to...
@tuanpmt I will do so I am just testing a new command which will return the IP configuration setting such as MAC address assigned IP and other details to the...
Hi Sergio. There is known limitations in the SSL handling routines. As far as I know it only works with certificates up to 1024 bits in strength. Kind Regards Neil...
Hi Sergio. My bad mqtt only supports 1024 bit. Will check on this some more over next few days. Kind Regards Neil Franken On 26 Nov 2015 7:29 PM, "Sergio...
Hi People. Just a reminder that saying that it does not work does not help nobody. What errors are you seeing? Did you try and debug it? All of these...
Hi David. I have managed to add the mac address to the wifi connect callback. Thus at the moment I can retrieve the mac address after the esp connects. The...
Tuan uses a logic level shifter in his diagram. The logic level shifter uses BS1338 MOSFETS to drive signals bi-directionally between esp and arduino. Tuan can we close this isse...
I am currently working on a modification of the firmware which will extend the wifiCb response. The response will now include mac and ip address as this information can be...
Hi All. I have made some modifications to the library which exposes the following: 1. MAC Address is now published back when connected to a WIFI access point. 2. New...