IPAPatch copied to clipboard
click pause button in Xcode 8.3.1 while app running, the lldb hangs or the app can't continue
What a nice project!
I was trying the Youtube + cycript demo on iPhone 7, but when I was running the app, for example, the youtube home page, and when you click the pause button on xcode debugger:
The lldb will prompt, but when you type in any command, lldb just hangs, and when you click continue, the lldb and app both hangs, seems dead.
Another issue is,
If you add a breakpoint in for_example_showAlert()
e.g. at UIViewController * controller = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController;
, the lldb will give output for my command, but when you continue the app, youtube hangs then, can't get the app continue to run.
Can you verify my issues on my side, and what's the solution?