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Machine Learning algorithms Implementation from Scratch


01- Introductory-Machine-Learning

In this tutorial:

  • Mathematics and study statistics, and how to calculate important numbers based on data set

Reference site: w3schools

03- KNN Classifier

  • Implementation of KNeighbors Classifier

  • Evaluating model using Normalized random data

04- OCR of Hand-written using KNN

  • Building a basic OCR (Optical Character Recognition) application algorithm using KNeighbors Classifier

  • Evaluating model using Hand-written Digits related to Mnist numbers

Reference sites: opencv

Mnist, Hand-written numbers image: Mnist numbers

05- KNN on Iris Dataset

  • Apply Knn classifier with different values of k on Iris Dataset and plot test accuracy

  • Calculate and plot Confusion Matrix for predicted values with k = 5

06- Adaline Regression

  • Adaline on random generated data for weight and height of humans

  • linregress of scipy package - plot slope

07- Adaline Classification

  • Adaline on random generated data for hair length of men and women

08- AdalineRegressor on Boston Dataset


09- AdalineClassifier on Iris

  • Select two classes of Iris Dataset and Apply Adaline Classifier

  • Calculate accuracy

  • Comparison accuracy of Adaline Classifier with KNN on Select classes

10- Perceptron-Classification

  • Implementation of perceptron class, evaluate and predict function

  • Perceptron-Classification on linear data

11- Perceptron-Regression

  • Implementation of perceptron class, evaluate and predict function

  • Preprocessing data using pandas library

  • Perceptron-Regression on weatherHistory dataset

12-1 MLP on Titanic Dataset

  • MLP on Titanic Dataset, sequential model - tensorflow and keras

  • 12-2, 12-3, 12-4: Comparison accuracy of MLP with KNN, Adaline and perceptron on Titanic Dataset

  • Result:

MLP accuracy = 96%

Knn accuracy = 65%

Adaline accuracy = 86%

perceptron accuracy = 34%

13-MLP on House Prices Dataset

14- WeatherPrediction_Regression

  • Train Neural Network on weather-dataset using tensorflow and keras


Dataset link: weather-dataset

  • Loss on test data: 3.0455

15- learning-rate-schedules

Learning Rate schedules in Practice

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