uRTCLib copied to clipboard
Sketch stuck at rtc.enableBattery()
I'm using an ESP32-wrover-E ( 16mb flash 8mb psram )
After initializing the i2c and setting the address my sketch got stuck at rtc.enableBattery()
and it never returns from that.
RTC is ds3231, using PlatformIO to code and latest from everything.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "uRTCLib.h"
uRTCLib rtc;
#define DS3231_ADDR (0xD0 >> 1)
int rtcSDA_Pin = 32;
int rtcSCL_Pin = 33;
void setup(){
if( !URTCLIB_WIRE.begin(rtcSDA_Pin, rtcSCL_Pin) ){
Serial.println("WIRE BEGIN FAILED");
if (rtc.enableBattery()) {
Serial.printf("[RTC] - Battery activated.\n");
}else {
Serial.printf("[RTC] - Battery activation failed.\n");
void loop(){
4 is never printed on the Serial.
Does it print any of:
[RTC] - Battery activated.
[RTC] - Battery activation failed.
If i comment out rtc.enableBattery()
it goes to the next line which is
isRTC_PowerLost = rtc.lostPower();
if ( isRTC_PowerLost ) {
Serial.print("[RTC] - Power went down.\n");
} else {
Serial.print("[RTC] - Power was ok.\n");
which prints [RTC] - Power was ok.
After i set a time with a wrapper func rtc_setTime(50,35,20,1,3,10,21);
* Set the RTC time.
void TimeSystem::rtc_setTime(byte sec,byte min, byte hour, byte dayOfWeek, byte dayOfMonth, byte month, byte year){
rtc.set(sec, min, hour, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, month, year);
And reading wrong value.
void TimeSystem::rtc_getTime(){
year = rtc.year();
month = rtc.month();
dayOfMonth = rtc.day();
hour = rtc.hour();
min = rtc.minute();
sec = rtc.second();
dayOfWeek = rtc.dayOfWeek();
if( isDebugOn ){
Serial.print("[RTC] - Time: %d %d/%d %d:%d:%d",year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, min, sec);
Which prints:
[RTC] - Time: 165 25/165 45:85:857
I2C scanner sees my ds3231
[RTC] - Scanning I2C bus...
Found address: 104 (0x68)
Found 1 device(s).
But with 0x68 it does not pass trought this function.
Hi, I've just encountered this issue with a sketch that was working before. The ESP32 Dev board hangs at the enableBattery() line. Commenting it out and the sketch works.
Clue: I'm using the Arduino IDE 2.0.3 and had just changed from board ESP32 v1.0.6 to v.2.0.7
I have just switched to an other lib.
I've to check it, maybe it's a timing issue, and would be good to add a I2C failure exit.
I am also having a problem enabling the battery on my ESP32-WROOM-32.
if (myRTC.enableBattery()) {
Serial.println("Battery activated correctly.");
} else {
Serial.println("ERROR activating battery.");
I always get "ERROR activating battery." on the Serial Monitor.
But when I change code to disableBattery(), it works perfectly!
I'm using Arduino IDE 2.0.4, with version 1.0.6 ESP32 board set from https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
I am also having a problem enabling the battery on my ESP32-WROOM-32.
if (myRTC.enableBattery()) {
Serial.println("Battery activated correctly.");
} else {
Serial.println("ERROR activating battery.");
I always get "ERROR activating battery." on the Serial Monitor.
But when I change code to disableBattery(), it works perfectly!
I'm using Arduino IDE 2.0.4, with version 1.0.6 ESP32 board set from https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
As a matter of fact, rtc.lostPower() always returns false, even after a complete power failure (remove battery and remove vcc, and shorting battery pins to be sure)
The time is completely reset, but the lostPower() function still returns false.
I think this may be related to the same problem causing the enableBattery() function to fail. Possibly an ESP32 compatibility issue?
I have to check, but I suspect about ESP32 I2C being too fast or having any kind of read problem.
About lostPower, did you call refresh before it? Refresh is what updates all RTC info, including this piece of it.
Also, which RTC model are you using?
Okay, so I put rtc.refresh() before both the lostPower AND enableBattery calls, and now this is what I get:
enableBattery is now returning true (the success message) lostPower is now returning true, however, even after I reboot the ESP32 (without disconnecting power), it continues to return true.
There is something very weird going on here.
For sure! enableBattery should not be affected by refresh...
I have to recheck the library with my ESP32s and last arduino version....
Oh, about RTC model, are you using the DS3231 or DS3232?
I'm using DS3231