nanorc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nanorc copied to clipboard

:wrench: :art: Some syntax highlighting files for the GNU/Nano editor :pencil:

Syntax highlighting files for the GNU/Nano editor

This repository contains some manually written syntax highlighting files for the GNU/Nano editor.

Some files also come from the default Nano installation.

Install with git :wrench:

Be sure you don't have a directory ~/.nano and no file ~/.nanorc.

Then, clone the repository and symlink the config file:

git clone ~/.nano/
ln -s ~/.nano/.nanorc ~/.nanorc

You can try to check if the installation went well by opening the ~/.nanorc file.

nano  ~/.nanorc  # should be nicely colored!

Warning: clearly, this will only work on GNU/Linux. And I only tested it on Ubuntu...

Install manually

You can download and install any of the LANGUAGEXXX.nanorc files, where you wish, and be sure that your ~/.nanorc file include the files you want, with this syntax:

# Coloration for nanorc, from
include "~/.nano/nanorc.nanorc"

:scroll: License ? GitHub license

MIT Licensed (file LICENSE). © Lilian Besson, 2017.


I am no longer an intense user of GNU/Nano so most of the files date from 2012, 2013 and 2014. But I still use it, and I test all of them on each new release of the editor, they still work well as fuck. Enjoy!

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