LAI-voice-search-openai-whisper-demo copied to clipboard
A ⚡️ ⚡️ app demo for Voice based web search using OpenAI's Whisper and DuckDuckGo
Speech Search Engine with Whisper
This app is a simulation of a Voice search feature provided by search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo using OpenAI's Whisper model.
This ⚡ Lightning app ⚡ was generated automatically with:
lightning init app LAI_voice_search_openai_whisper_demo
Sample output
To run LAI_voice_search_openai_whisper_demo
- Create a conda/venv environment
We use conda here but you can use whichever tool you're comfortable with
conda create --yes --name oaiwhisper python=3.8
conda activate oaiwhisper
- Install FFMPEG
FFMPEG is necessary for the audio processing
- For Windows: Follow these steps
- For Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
- Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install app
First, install LAI_voice_search_openai_whisper_demo (warning: this app has not been officially approved on the lightning gallery):
lightning install app
- Run locally
Once the app is installed, run it locally with:
lightning run app LAI_voice_search_openai_whisper_demo/
If the above does not work, manually setup the environment:
git clone
cd LAI-voice-search-openai-whisper-demo
conda create --yes --name oaiwhisper python=3.8
conda activate oaiwhisper
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install lightning
python -m lightning run app
# to run on lightning cloud
python -m lightning run app --cloud
Run it on the lightning cloud with:
lightning run app LAI_voice_search_openai_whisper_demo/ --cloud
to test and link
Run flake to make sure all your styling is consistent (it keeps your team from going insane)
flake8 .
To test, follow the instructions in the tests folder.
Steps followed to build such a feature in this minimal app
- Obtain the Speech-to-text (transcription) output using Whisper
- Use this transcribed output string as an input for duckduckgo search
- Once the web search results are obtained, render using HTML
Why use DuckDuckGo(DDG) and not Google search? Ans: Google has a lot of rate limiting applied and frequent searches via code lead to getting blocked resulting in status code: 429 - Too many requests. Apparently DDG does not have super strict rate limiting.
Why ? Ans: Provisioning the infra and deployment is automated, all one needs to do is focus on business logic. Also HF spaces are too crowded with mutiple such demos.
- [x] Update code to accept microphone input as soon as Gradio bug is resolved
- [x] Write unit tests
- [x] Run given test
- [x] Add comments and prepare code for submission to Lightning Gallery