video2gif copied to clipboard
A batch script for convert video to GIF files by FFmpeg.exe on Windows
A batch script for convert video to GIF files by FFmpeg.exe on Windows.
- Clone the repo
- Install FFmpeg for Windows.
- Make sure the
are on your systems path.
Method #1: Anywhere you can use it by this command in cmd
video2gif myvideo.mp4
Then you have myvideo.gif
in current directory.
If myvideo.gif
there is existed, question from you for overwrite it.
Method #2: You can just drag and drop .gif
file on the video2gif.bat
Advance Usage
SOURCE_FILE Source video file name for convert
also you can drag and drop source video file to this batch file directly
-o Output destination .GIF file name
if not set it, use video source file name with new .gif extension
-y Overwrite destination file
if not set it, appears prompt for overwrite destination file
-f Frame per second (fps)
default: 15
-w Width scale of destination gif file
in pixel unit and (-1) for use original width, default: -1
-s Start time of video source for crop
in second or time format (ex. 1:12), if set it, so must be set (-d) param
-d Duration time of video source for crop
in second, if set it, so must be set (-s) param
-c Maximum number of colors to the palette
must be (<=256), default: 256
-q Quality of destination gif file
must be a number between 1(low) to 6(high), default: 5
video2gif sample.mp4
video2gif sample.mp4 -y -w 60 -q 1 -f 10
video2gif sample.mp4 -o new_file.gif -y -w 100 -f 10 -s 10 -d 5
video2gif sample.mp4 -s 0:30 -d 20 -c 128 -q 6
video2gif sample.mp4 -s 1:16.5 -d 8.3
Special thanks to this article.