2020 copied to clipboard
I'm Participating
I heard about NaNoGenMo a couple of years ago and I always wanted to participate. This year, after much vacillation, I'm finally joining.
A por ellos camarada
Et voila! It is done! Not as grammatically correct as I wanted it to be, but it's 50,000 words and somewhat readable to someone with the mildest case of apophenia. The full repo can be found here, while the novel (if it can be called that) can be read here.
An excerpt:
Chapter 2
It was a hot morning. "I heard you have a pitch for me," the person demanded. She bit her lip before replying, "Absolutely! It goes something like this:" "Welcome to Punk Punk - The "-punk" answers to the cyberpunk and steampunk movements/genres. Our hero, Adrian, is a Commanding Coolness - Adrian's story is this: A person sent to hunt down The Mole actually is The Mole. What stands in Adrian's way is Brian, a sweet - It's ADORABLE! And not much else! The turning point happens when: Morality is determined by whose perspective the audience is viewing. This is Sympathetic POV. Throughout all of this, both Adrian and Brian have to deal with Kyler, a Racist Grandma - A racist elder." The producer rubbed his beard. "No. Just no."
I love this entry. I've often thought about how to use TVTropes in NaNo, but this brute force solution is so good.
Also found this amusing:
The turning point happens when: Why did you come to this page? You're not allowed here! And don't click on any of these tropes! They are all forbidden for a reason! This is That Which Must Not Be Indexed.