2020 copied to clipboard
Writing E-Team
Here the code. Here the 50000 word output.
Initial intent
Hi there, Using gpt-2, I'm interested in exploring tricks to bring narrative coherence across longer texts, possibly recycling some ideas from https://www.scritturacollettiva.org/metodo.html. Looking forward to emulation from other participants. KR Francois
I went out with the naive idea that gpt could understand the structure of a text if trained accordingly. So the training material includes text snippets (pompously called chapters) with a prompt containing: • a summary of the snippet created with Bert Summarizer and tagged with <|summary|>, • the third paragraph of the snippet tagged <|line-03|>, • the final paragraph of the snippet tagged <|line-last|>, • the first paragraph of the snippet tagged <|chapter-begin|>. And, in deed, even though gpt-2 writes sequence by sequence, it did recognize a pattern and often picked up the first sentence and the third one. The final one mostly got lost. But that picking of the third sentence seemed to be mostly statistics-based. It does not stick to the rest of the text.
narrative coherence ay? A bold move. I must find out more about this gpt-2, also loving the Scrittura Industriale Collettiva
An extract of the training file
<|chapter|> <|summary|>I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. <|MISS009|>, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged. Her beauty, her pink cheeks and golden curls, seemed to give delight to all who looked at her, and to purchase indemnity for every fault. <|line-03|>All <|FAMILY015|> <|FAMILY003|>’s violent tyrannies, all his sisters’ proud indifference, all his mother’s aversion, all the servants’ partiality, turned up ... <|line-last|> I could not answer the ceaseless inward question—why I thus suffered; now, at the distance of—I will not say how many years, I see it clearly. <|chapter-begin|> My seat, to which <|SURNAME001|> and the bitter Miss <|MISS008|> had left me riveted, was a low ottoman near the marble chimney-piece; the bed rose before me; to my right hand there was the high, dark wardrobe, with subdued, broken reflections varying the gloss of its panels; to my left were the muffled windows; a great looking-glass between them repeated the vacant majesty of the bed and room. I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! yes: no jail was ever more secure. Returning, I had to cross before the looking-glass; my fascinated glance involuntarily explored the depth it revealed. All looked colder and darker in that visionary hollow than in reality: and the strange little figure there gazing at me, with a white face and arms specking the gloom, and glittering eyes of fear moving where all else was still, had the effect of a real spirit: I thought it like one of the tiny phantoms, half fairy, half imp, <|SURNAME001|>’s evening stories represented as coming out of lone, ferny dells in moors, and appearing before the eyes of belated travellers. I returned to my stool. Superstition was with me at that moment; but it was not yet her hour for complete victory: my blood was still warm; the mood of the revolted slave was still bracing me with its bitter vigour; I had to stem a rapid rush of retrospective thought before I quailed to the dismal present. All <|FAMILY015|> <|FAMILY003|>’s violent tyrannies, all his sisters’ proud indifference, all his mother’s aversion, all the servants’ partiality, turned up in my disturbed mind like a dark deposit in a turbid well. Why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned? Why could I never please? Why was it useless to try to win any one’s favour? <|SURNAME007|>, who was headstrong and selfish, was respected. <|MISS009|>, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged. Her beauty, her pink cheeks and golden curls, seemed to give delight to all who looked at her, and to purchase indemnity for every fault. <|FAMILY015|> no one thwarted, much less punished; though he twisted the necks of the pigeons, killed the little pea-chicks, set the dogs at the sheep, stripped the hothouse vines of their fruit, and broke the buds off the choicest plants in the conservatory: he called his mother “old girl,” too; sometimes reviled her for her dark skin, similar to his own; bluntly disregarded her wishes; not unfrequently tore and spoiled her silk attire; and he was still “her own darling.” I dared commit no fault: I strove to fulfil every duty; and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night. My head still ached and bled with the blow and fall I had received: no one had reproved <|FAMILY015|> for wantonly striking me; and because I had turned against him to avert farther irrational violence, I was loaded with general opprobrium. “Unjust!—unjust!” said my reason, forced by the agonising stimulus into precocious though transitory power: and Resolve, equally wrought up, instigated some strange expedient to achieve escape from insupportable oppression—as running away, or, if that could not be effected, never eating or drinking more, and letting myself die. What a consternation of soul was mine that dreary afternoon! How all my brain was in tumult, and all my heart in insurrection! Yet in what darkness, what dense ignorance, was the mental battle fought! I could not answer the ceaseless inward question—why I thus suffered; now, at the distance of—I will not say how many years, I see it clearly. <|chapter-end|>
Code for text generation
import time
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler
import shutil
import linecache
import gc
import re
import fileinput
import datetime
import sys #enable import of mymodules
sys.path.insert(1, '/home/francois/gpt-2/') # insert at 1, 0 is the script path (or '' in REPL)
import mymodules #from /src folder
from playsound import playsound
DIR_TO_WATCH = "/home/francois/gpt-2/writer/input_auto1"
class Watcher:
print("Ready to receive input "+DIR_TO_WATCH)
def __init__(self):
self.observer = Observer()
def run(self):
event_handler = Handler()
self.observer.schedule(event_handler, self.DIR_TO_WATCH, recursive=True)
while True:
class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def on_any_event(event):
if event.is_directory:
return None
elif event.event_type == 'created':
# Take any action here when a file is first created.
print("Received created event - %s." % event.src_path)
filename = event.src_path.strip(filepath)
def shorten_line_to_lastpoint(inputtext):
questionmark_position = inputtext.rfind("?")
finaldot_position = inputtext.rfind(".")
if questionmark_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext[0:questionmark_position+1]
elif finaldot_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext[0:finaldot_position+1]
return outputtext
def shorten_line_to_firstpoint(inputtext):
questionmark_position = inputtext.rfind("?")
dot_position = inputtext.rfind(".")
exclam_position = inputtext.rfind("!")
comma_position = inputtext.rfind(",")
if questionmark_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split("?")
outputtext = outputtext[0]+"?"
elif dot_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split(".")
outputtext = outputtext[0]+"."
elif exclam_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split("!")
outputtext = outputtext[0]+"!"
elif comma_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split(",")
outputtext = outputtext[0]+","
outputtext = inputtext[:150]+"..."
if len(outputtext) > 160:
outputtext = inputtext[:157]+"..."
return outputtext
def shorten_lastline_to_lastsentence(inputtext):
dot_position = inputtext.rfind(".")
dot_position = inputtext.rfind(".",0,dot_position)
questionmark_position = inputtext.rfind("?")
questionmark_position = inputtext.rfind("?",0,questionmark_position)
exclam_position = inputtext.rfind("!")
exclam_position = inputtext.rfind("!",0,exclam_position)
if dot_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split(".",dot_position)
outputtext = outputtext[-1]
elif questionmark_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split("?",questionmark_position)
outputtext = outputtext[-1]
elif exclam_position != -1:
outputtext = inputtext.split("!",exclam_position)
outputtext = outputtext[-1]
outputtext = inputtext
return outputtext
def file_number_of_lines(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
def number_of_gpt_run(number_of_lines):
number_of_run = (number_of_lines-1)/(3)
print("Number of runs = "+str(number_of_run))
if str(number_of_run).isdigit() == False:
number_of_run = str(number_of_run).split(".",1)
number_of_run = number_of_run[0]
return number_of_run
def create_bookfile(bookcontent,bookfilename):
#Create output book file
BOOKFILE = "/home/francois/gpt-2/writer/output_auto/"+bookfilename
f = open(BOOKFILE, "x")
return print("Created book file "+BOOKFILE)
def create_tmpgpt_input(tmp_linesummary,tmp_line1,tmp_line3,tmp_linefinal):
#Create gpt-2 input (without file)
gptinput = "<|chapter|>\n" + "<|summary|>" + tmp_linesummary + "<|line-03|>" + tmp_line3
gptinput = gptinput + "<|line-last|>" + tmp_linefinal + "<|chapter-begin|>\n" + tmp_line1
print("Created gpt input ")
return gptinput
def select_tmplines(startline):
#select temporary lines from input file
tmp_line1 = linecache.getline(event.src_path,startline-2)
tmp_line2 = linecache.getline(event.src_path,startline-1)
tmp_linefinal = linecache.getline(event.src_path,startline)
return tmp_line1, tmp_line2, tmp_linefinal
def gpt_processing01(seedinput):
#gpt processing
outputlength=500 #max 1024 tbd, Number of tokens to generate (default 1023, the maximum)
top_k=2000 #max 50257, limits the generated guesses to the top k guesses
top_p=1.15 #Nucleus sampling: limits the generated guesses to a cumulative probability. (gets good results on a dataset with top_p=0.9)
gptoutput = mymodules.single_interact_model_4(models_dir,model_name,seedinput,outputlength,temperature,top_k,top_p)
return gptoutput
def postedit_gptoutput(input):
#post edit gpt-2 output
output = input.split("<|chapter-end|>",1)
output = output[0]
return output
linetotal = file_number_of_lines(event.src_path)
print("The file has " + str(linetotal) + " lines.")
number_of_gpt_run = number_of_gpt_run(linetotal)
print("Number of runs is "+number_of_gpt_run)
number_of_run = (linetotal-1)/(3)
summary = linecache.getline(event.src_path,1) #summary has to be provided as the single first line of the input file
bookcontent = summary
i = 1
while i < number_of_run+1:
print("Run #"+str(i))
tmplines = select_tmplines(n)
seedinput = create_tmpgpt_input(summary,tmplines[0],tmplines[1],tmplines[2])
gptoutput = gpt_processing01(seedinput)
gptoutput = postedit_gptoutput(gptoutput)
bookcontent = bookcontent+tmplines[0]+gptoutput+tmplines[2]
#Release memory
unreachable_objects = gc.collect()
#Number of collected and deallocated objects
print("Unreachable objects: "+str(unreachable_objects))
i += 1
#tmplines = select_tmplines(1)
timestampnow = datetime.datetime.now()
tmpfileID = filename+"_"+timestampnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M_%S")
#Book creation
bookfilename = tmpfileID+".txt"
#Back up processed file
shutil.move(event.src_path, "/home/francois/gpt-2/writer/"+filename)
#Release memory
unreachable_objects = gc.collect()
#Number of collected and deallocated objects
#print("Unreachable objects: "+str(unreachable_objects))
print("Processed successfully "+filename)
elif event.event_type == 'modified':
# Taken any action here when a file is modified.
print("Received modified event - %s." % event.src_path)
elif event.event_type == 'deleted':
# Taken any action here when a file is modified.
print("Received deleted event - %s." % event.src_path)
elif event.event_type == 'moved':
# Taken any action here when a file is modified.
print("Received moved event - %s." % event.src_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
w = Watcher()
Chapter 1
<|MISS027|> <|FAMILY004|>, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed <|MISS022|> unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little <|MISS022|> distress or vex her. Sophie, a docile, please-loving, came to regard her as a nice, quiet, domestic being. She found she would have been in excellent stead if she were a girl, had her been twenty years younger, more handsome, <|MISS026|> curious. She had come to believe <|MISS019|> she was used to hard work, <|MISS026|> <|MISS019|> her experience of <|MISS014|> working-day made her efficient in <|MISS014|> employ of her aculean. When Miss <|FAMILY023|> began to be ill-used or annoyed, she trusted to Mr. <|FAMILY008|>'s judgment much <|MISS026|> enjoyed <|MISS021|> presence. When she minded her part alone, she sunk in a dozing state; but he rose quickly, did not become irresolvable, <|MISS026|> was in circumstances to make her happy. He was a baronet, <|MISS028|> able lawyer, a learned theologian, a canny councillor, a man of feeling; <|MISS026|> in this last capacity he sufficed. Having said <|MISS019|> he should think over <|MISS021|> notion, he at length said— “<|MISS006|>, you are apprehensive perhaps, actually; but you are motivated, in a manner, I should think, <|MISS019|> your apprehensions are unwarranted. You are apprehensive, indeed, a mute, distant, <|MISS026|> otherwise inert human being; but I am certain that in your former known annoyances you would to have given a vivid example of the inconvenienced, unsettled feeling to which you have been accustomed to a solitary lot. You desire me to quit <|MISS014|> country; you request me to part with my machinery. In case I refuse, you threaten me. Wilt I refuse? The penalty will be terrible, I know <|MISS026|> has been felt <|MISS019|>. There will be a tumult before long, <|MISS026|> my spirits will have <|MISS014|> shock of realization, without which <|MISS015<|MISS006|> <|FAMILY014|>, as she progressed in life, persisted in declining favours <|MISS026|> becoming as self-satisfied as she was scornful. She had always been accustomed to think herself something better than her life <|MISS026|> herself, but <|MISS015|> was false humility <|MISS026|> elitism to think she neglected her brother <|MISS026|> men. She was lucky in her last years, for she had not only her brother's love, but also <|MISS019|> <|MISS014|> kindness <|MISS026|> protection of <|MISS014|> people around her. Invite <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> dinner, <|MISS027|>, and help <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> the best of the fish and the chicken, but leave <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> chuse his own wife. Depend upon it, a man of six or seven-and-twenty can take care of himself.” “Very simply, <|MISS026|> very Sujoyfully,” retorted <|MISS007|>. “Any one can manage to be good; they only need be transported. I can assure you of <|MISS019|> <|SURNAME015|> is not sufficient to manage a few of them. That will be done without effort on <|MISS014|> part of either you or I.” A pertinacious impulse drove <|MISS014|> teacher upon me unfamiliar ways. I writhed, he convulsed, steadied himself by <|MISS021|> clenched hands; then, again and again, firing off hastily dispatched serve, he drove them in rapid–threatening pace from end to end of <|MISS014|> schoolroom. He thus succeeded in harrowing <|MISS014|> major’s Archdeacon <|MISS026|> Sir Philip Godman, <|MISS026|> in making Mr. <|FAMILY008|> quit <|MISS021|> footstool in tears—there was a time when such a gesture would have sufficed to keep him in check. Now, at last, I saw <|MISS015|> was not enough. Having laid down my pencil, I stood musing to myself. The vent, <|MISS014|> hand that lay on my shoulder, moved apprehensively fast towards my heart. I are not over my flash,” I thought, “and I am not insane; I am quite sensible. I felt the templar reach me; I felt <|MISS014|> Te Deum shyly rise against <|MISS014|> rampart. As he looked up, <|MISS014|> light of <|MISS014|> two candles on <|MISS014|> mantelpiece fell full on my face. For a moment I thought I should faint; <|MISS026|> as he continued to talk, I thought he would come to <|MISS014|> kitchen. I rose <|MISS026|> looked to <|MISS014|> door; but, coming near me, <|MISS015|> seemed a wall, difficult to break > which I then saw flush orange.
Chapter 2
“Mr. <|FAMILY002|> is a very pretty young man, <|MISS022|> be sure, and a very good young man, and I have a great regard for <|MISS025|>. But if you want <|MISS022|> shew <|MISS025|> any attention, my dear, ask <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> come and dine with us some day. SURNAME100|> is the best girl in <|MISS014|> world, <|MISS026|> she has happy married <|MISS014|> most miserable man in England, for <|MISS014|> toilers of whom he is in love <|MISS026|> bliss over. He did them good, after all, by <|MISS014|> way; <|MISS026|> now they eat <|MISS014|> fools whose bread <|MISS015|> is. It is <|MISS014|> swaggering ravager, peace of mind, <|MISS026|> well-being for life, I find in myself, <|MISS026|> so will God put into his kids. And if you doubt me, ask him <|MISS019|> very next time you see him. Captain <|FAMILY001|>, who had been considered, especially by the <|FAMILY044|>, as making <|MISS019|> an amazing match, was proved <|MISS022|> have much <|MISS014|> worst of <|MISS014|> bargain; for when his wife died, after a three years’ marriage, <|MISS014|> man was fast becoming <|MISS014|> great orphan. He had been a resident of Thornfield for almost a year, <|MISS026|> was steadily in <|MISS014|> market for a place of his own. Some time elapsed before <|MISS015|> was brought to his knowledge <|MISS014|> owner of a small painting business. When Mr. <|FAMILY008|> came <|MISS026|> sufficiently assured him <|MISS019|> he was not seeking a partner in <|MISS021|> way, <|MISS026|> would not serve him as one, he ceased to search for a partner. He said long as he lived he did not wish to find another anchor in England. His own way made him quite vulnerable. If he left England, how would he go on? It seemed to him <|MISS019|> England should be left to extremities; <|MISS019|> she ought not to be subjected to British tastesThere was a strange rumour in Highbury of all the little <|FAMILY035|> being seen with a slice of Mrs. <|FAMILY001|>’s wedding-cake in their hands: but Mr. <|FAMILY004|> would never believe it.
Chapter 3
Mr. <|FAMILY004|> was fond of society in his own way. He liked very much <|MISS022|> have his friends come and see <|MISS025|>; and from various united causes, from his long residence at Hartfield, and his good nature, from his fortune, his house, and his daughter, he could command the visits of his own little circle, in a great measure, as he liked. He had not much intercourse with any families beyond that circle; his horror of late hours, and large dinner-parties, made <|MISS025|> unfit for any acquaintance but <|MISS019|> as would visit <|MISS025|> on his own terms. SURNAME001|> was another of <|MISS014|> elder ladies residing in <|MISS014|> building. She had grown up with Mr. <|FAMILY004|>, <|MISS026|> was therefore rather to be ascribed to <|MISS019|> general flavour of characterisation. There was much difference of character, though of pale and questionable character, in <|MISS014|> management of <|MISS014|> springboard, <|MISS026|> of <|MISS014|> schoolroom, than there was anywhere else in <|MISS014|> world. They both served their country at every shift; they both breathed life into <|MISS014|> clouds of opposition; they upheld their endearments with a single-mindedness not to be taken lightly. The comparison of <|MISS014|> lower classes of society to <|MISS014|> richer classes of England may be found, perhaps, in apathetic exhaustion, sloth, or oppression; <|MISS026|> apathy is what I have observed in most of my acquaintance wherever I have been—<|MISS026|>, more practically, protest, or insurrection. The aristocracy are sufferers, <|MISS006|>; they recoiled <|MISS020|> fatal damage when their resources were at their command. Their even fortunes are deluged with coals, <|MISS026|> with somewhat of a manure-pale colouring-powder; <|MISS026|>_|MISS014|> working-men of <|MISS014|> world typically labour under prodigious, irresponsible, or—still more typically—unskilled by their uselessness. Many a time have I seen <|MISS014|> pretty head of a neat, clean, pedagoguely wrapped up in silk, <|MISS026|> pink, <|MISS026|> awhile noticed <|MISS019|> <|MISS014|> sickly face, <|MISS019|> those faces could not sally forth <|MISS014|> spirit of appreciation, with which <|MISS019|> vulture always pillaged <|MISS014|> little man's heart. The favourite target of <|There were other changes. A stranger came. The hall was so different to <|MISS019|> of <|MISS014|> previous day; <|MISS015|> was a clear, hot, sincere place. “You know I have been proclaimed the best – the only well-dressed lady in <|MISS014|> neighbourhood. Well, I will take a seat; <|MISS026|> you can look at <|MISS015|>.” Some ladies looked at him. “We can't have <|MISS019|> talk,” said one of them; “we need one amongst <|MISS014|> others.” He looked at them. They were all frowns, deflated sighs, deliberate hones, whose attention was hesitating, but whose energy again surged when <|MISS015|> once more surged forth like a flame. Suddenly <|MISS014|> old baronet emerged <|MISS020|> <|MISS014|> room, carrying in <|MISS021|> hands a candle <|MISS026|> a book. “Enough, <|SURNAME002|>; <|MISS015|> is not enough. I know <|MISS015|> is, because I have had <|MISS015|> before.” “Certainly not! There is more of <|MISS014|> kind than he is willing to recognise. Shall I make him reveal any of <|MISS014|> persons bitten, or those with whom he is fighting?”
Chapter 4
<|MISS028|> <|MISS004|>’s intimacy at Hartfield was soon a settled thing. Quick and decided in her ways, <|MISS027|> lost no time in inviting, encouraging, and telling her <|MISS022|> come very often; and as their acquaintance increased, so did their satisfaction in each other. Their low-toned voices agreed with her; their nervous as 17 year olds, she fairly pronounced their station completely ridiculous. “I shall not doubt <|MISS019|>,” said <|SURNAME004|>, when Norn Miss <|MISS004|> came up. “When I meet with real poetry, I cannot rest till I have learned <|MISS015|> by heart, <|MISS026|> so made <|MISS015|> partly mine. My studying is your doing, my hunting is your doing, my fishing, my whatever is strongest, is your doing also?” Her voice, sometimes harsh, sometimes mild, always expressive, had <|MISS014|> sweetest cadence of appeal. “When I speak of you, I do not yet properly account you my lover, or at least my husband's child. I have a regard for you, though I know you cannot love me, yet I cannot deny <|MISS019|> you are mine. You are young, beautiful, meritorious, outstanding gentleman—at least, <|MISS014|> most exceptional of the purest sex. I may be hideous in my own eyes, but at <|MISS014|> behind which you view <|MISS015|> you see a righteous giant. For this resolution you took, for this dread of more than one’s ill-will towards you, I am grateful. I firmly believe you were resolved <|MISS026|> disposed to be firm to me; to which, indeed, I was a little sensitive at first. But I proved impervious to prejudiced motives at first, <|MISS026|> then, if I must make a hard bargain, I shall make <|MISS015|> anyway. Where there is profit—trial, <|MISS026|> sometimes suffering—I shall cross over. Would not <|MISS015|> be a bad you? This, indeed, is a precious proposition. I will hear you thrice before I forsake it. Not a second of time passes. I hold out my hand <|MISS026|> say to you—ye dare say it—enter.” Norn how she boarded. One of her classmates, a girl of eighteen, moved quickly. Another step stamped onAnd he was really a very pleasing young man, a young man whom any woman not fastidious might like. He was reckoned very handsome; his person much admired in general, though not by her, there being a want of elegance of feature which she could not dispense with:—but the girl who could be gratified by a <|FAMILY021|> <|FAMILY010|>’s riding <|MISS014|> the country <|MISS022|> get walnuts for her might very well be conquered by Mr. <|FAMILY002|>’s admiration.
Chapter 5
<|SURNAME100|> is the best girl to marry in town. “I do not know what your opinion may be, Mrs. <|FAMILY001|>,” said Mr. <|FAMILY003|>, “of this great intimacy between <|MISS027|> and <|MISS028|> <|MISS004|>, but I think it a bad thing.” “I think they will neither of <|MISS020|> do the other any good.” “Then they are not good; they are rather <|MISS014|> chiefs or gilders of scoundrels. I guess my little friend <|FAMILY 000|> has <|MISS028|> excellent chance of avoiding disgrace. If you cannot do this, I view it as a tribute to your discretion.” “My short cut!” inserted into <|MISS014|> midst of their Turban tour “Then they are not good; they are rather <|MISS014|> chiefs or gilders of scoundrels. I guess my little friend <|FAMILY 000|> has <|MISS028|> excellent chance of avoiding disgrace. What I want is, that you should write to your sisters <|MISS026|> tell them of <|MISS014|> desperate problems their state presents. I must acknowlege that some of them are extremely appalling. If you cannot do this, I view it as a tribute to your discretion. Otherwise I am blank <|MISS026|> mute.” “I suppose you are reluctant to speak out plainlyly, <|MISS007|>?” “I am not frank.” “Why? What is the matter?” “Because you are afraid of being plainly speaking, <|MISS007|>?” “Oh, that is sh! t! This city doesn’t deserve <|MISS019|> the best-looking <|MISS026|> <|MISS014|> personification of taste shall give it.” “Oh, that is sh! t! This city doesn’t deserve <|MISS019|> the best-looking <|MISS026|> <|MISS014|> personification of taste shall give it.” There were wishes at Randalls respecting <|MISS027|>’s destiny, but it was not desirable <|MISS022|> have <|MISS020|> suspected; and the quiet transition which Mr. <|FAMILY003|> soon afterwards made <|MISS022|> “What does <|FAMILY001|> think of the weather; shall we have rain?” convinced her that he had nothing more <|MISS022|> say or surmise <|MISS014|> Hartfield. Mr. <|FAMILY003|> therefore took <|MISS028|> early departure, evidently very busy indeed. SURNAME100|> is <|MISS014|> best girl, <|MISS026|> when she is good she is excellent. You cannot imagine <|MISS015|>'s fascination. There is music, dancing, <|MISS026|> sentiment, under her cotillion. […] My little friend! she is all set to bomulous. Soon after 10 p.m. we had another meal, <|MISS026|> then we separately vacated <|MISS014|> dining-room. <|SURNAME001|> would have guarded <|MISS014|> vault in <|MISS014|> room for which she was responsible, but I preferred speaking to her self-respecting neighbours. They were kind enough, but completely silent; not a sensible look was rendered by their animated conversation. I suppose they believed <|MISS019|> they could not inconvenience themselves with <|MISS014|> presentation all <|MISS014|> gifts of speech; <|MISS026|> so in response to my wish to eat something, they grudgingly obliged me to show <|MISS014|> tolerable appetite of gratitude; <|MISS026|> after I had given them something to swallow, <|MISS015|> was imagined <|MISS019|> I had washed down their confection with my own digestive juices. This I did. I lingered till Grace came. She followed me into <|MISS014|> dining-room, where she sat with her mother <|MISS026|> grandmother. She looked terrible, though she had just regained <|MISS019|> of oil <|MISS026|> perfume she had lost, <|MISS026|> was reduced to her motherly energy. After all, though her brown eyes {|MISS026|> slightly up-turned estate might be termed fertile, they were but desert sites—consecrated by fate to verdant peak <|MISS026|> beautiful valley. There was something in <|MISS014|> texture of her nature-- <|MISS019|> may be termed ideal. <|chapter-end
That's it for this year.
I see, I should use labels and not close the issue :). But how to do it?
Note on chapter input
The first input file has 4 lines The first line acts as a summary. The second, third and fourth lines are the text that will be expanded by GPT by adding text between existing lines. Chapter 1 was processed 3 times from the sample below to the output above.
Sample chapter input (chapter 1)
<|MISS027|> <|FAMILY004|> is the best girl to marry in town. <|MISS027|> <|FAMILY004|>, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed <|MISS022|> unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little <|MISS022|> distress or vex her. Sixteen years had Miss <|MISS005|> been in Mr. <|FAMILY004|>’s family, less as a governess than a friend, very fond of both daughters, but particularly of <|MISS027|>. Between <|MISS020|> it was more the intimacy of sisters. Invite <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> dinner, <|MISS027|>, and help <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> the best of the fish and the chicken, but leave <|MISS025|> <|MISS022|> chuse his own wife. Depend upon it, a man of six or seven-and-twenty can take care of himself.”
I've added a preview
label! Do you have some 50k output somewhere, to get a completed
I've added a
label! Do you have some 50k output somewhere, to get acompleted
Hi Hugo, Thanks for asking. The code and the 50000 word output are added.