2019 copied to clipboard
A Better Name will be Found
Not sure if I should put all my sub-generators under one issue or make separate issues for the ones that qualify on their own, please let me know.
The idea is to generate a full book with the following structure (Bold = priority):
- [ ] Cover
- [ ] Half Title Page
- [ ] Title Page
- [ ] Dedication
- [ ] Epigraph
- [ ] Table of Contents
- [ ] Foreword/Intro/Preface
- [ ] Actual text
- [ ] Afterword
- [ ] Appendix
- [ ] Glossary
- [ ] Author Bio
AiaA-bG is for coming up with organization names as well as the cover, if I manage to use the words to make shapes and patterns.
Spreadr/Shreddr is to expand or shrink any generated text that exceeds 50,000 significantly, or is falling short.
Markov chains to generate the title and basic first-name last-name randomization.
A simple poem generator, Poemache to make a short epigraph.
Use names from the author bio for the dedication.
No idea how I'm going to manage a foreword, might not happen.
Generate a loose outline of the plot based on templates, randomize settings and then fill in the blanks with GPT-2. Example: "The two nations had been at war for years, but only recently [GPT-2 fills in]"
Use the plot of the book, character backstory, to make bio, and fill in the demographics randomly.
Not necessarily expecting to finish it entirely, but hopefully I get somewhere.
Doing dialog generation by simulating two bots talking to each other. Generating author bios with tracery and faker, pretty basic right now.