2019 copied to clipboard
yes, and? - a two-word concrete poetry book
I started a kind of concrete poetry book immediately after taking a p5.js 101 workshop a few weeks ago, and thought I would use it as my nanogenmo project:
- to see what I could actually do with p5 in terms of text manipulation, and more pressingly
- to try and become a tiny bit more proficient at the mathematical side of programming in a language with very simple syntax (I have pretty much no mathematical understanding at all, and it is increasingly becoming a bit of a bottleneck in making interesting things).
This didn't entirely work out - schedule disruptions happened, and the resulting project is much less mathematically ambitious than I'd hoped. I had also hoped to do some actual generative text work of some kind, but ended up leaving the placeholder text I used ('yes, and?', plus some punctuation and emoji hearts) in as the sole source for visual manipulation, both as a time-saver and because I thought it was kinda fun having the whole book be made up of so little text.
However! it is complete, and it does look nice. Links:
Live output (sort of mobile-friendly, but definitely better on desktop): https://yesand.glitch.me/
Source: https://github.com/emmawinston/nanogenmo19
Source remixable on Glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remix/yesand
I believe it is 171,002 words (the extra two are superimposed on to the heart on page 6), but am not completely sure if that's correct since I am a little hazy on how my for loops and p5's frame drawing interact with one another. If anyone knows I would love to confirm one way or another!
I've also turned the PDF preview into a tiny printable one-page zine, because why not.
Download the printable zine/PDF preview here.
(Print on A4 paper and fold your zine like this - folding tutorial courtesy of Umami Design Studio.)
Nice! Can I get one of your zines in trade for something from my micropress Bad Quarto? Drop me a line if so, I love computer-generated books & zines. You might also see about getting them out to people by selling them at bookartsbookshop there in London.
@nickmontfort that would be lovely. What’s the best way to organise this/get it to you? This is all very new territory for me, I don’t usually work with physical media at all! ^__^
@emmawinston Email me (address in GitHub profile) and we can exchange postal addresses.