Unity3d-uGUI-Terminal copied to clipboard
A simple terminal consol using uGUI for Unity3d
Foundation Terminal (v4.0)
Nicholas Ventimiglia | AvariceOnline.com
Terminal for in game debugging
The goal of this library to provide a UI for testing low level libraries and debugging in game. Built using uGUI. Is Unity3d 5 ready !
- Log many message types with color coding
- Hooks into Debug.Log
- A command button bar for testing methods
- A text input with optional input handling (text processors)
- Hide and close with the ` key
Drop the Terminal Prefab into your scene.
Example Usage
// Write
Terminal.Log("blag blah");
Terminal.LogError("blag blah");
Terminal.LogSuccess("blag blah");
Terminal.LogWarning("blag blah");
Terminal.LogImportant("blag blah");
// Wired to Application Log
// Register button commands. (Do this in Awake)
Terminal.Add(new TerminalCommand
Label = "Main",
Method = MainTest
void MainTest()
// Run When Clicked
// Register new Text Processors (invoked when text is submitted)
Terminal.Add(new TerminalInterpreter
Label = "Chat",
Method = ChatExample
void ChatExample(string text)
// Run When inputted
Part of the Unity3d Foundation toolkit. A collection of utilities for making high quality data driven games. http://unity3dFoundation.com
- Tasks : An async task library for doing background work or extending coroutines with return results.
- Messenger : Listener pattern. A message broker for relaying events in a loosely coupled way. Supports auto subscription via the [Subscribe] annotation.
- Terminal: A in game terminal for debugging !
- Injector: Service Injector for resolving services and other components. Supports auto injection using the [Inject] annotation
- DataBinding : For MVVM / MVC style databinding. Supports the new uGUI ui library.
- Localization : Supports in editor translation, multiple files and automatic translation of scripts using the [Localized] annotation.
- Cloud : Parse-like storage and account services using a ASP.NET MVC back end. Need to authenticate your users? Reset passwords with branded emails? Save high scores or character data in a database? Maybe write your own authoritative back end? This is it.
- Lobby : The ultimate example scene. Everything you need to deploy for a game, minus the actual game play.
I accept donations via papal. Your money is an objective measure of my self esteem.