RayTracingDenoiser copied to clipboard
Unable to get proper output from NRD
I am integration NRD in my rendering software and i am close to have it running. But still I am "close". Here what i get when i use Optix denoiser. It works properly https://youtu.be/oGUy7VgZD0o
With NRD when denoising start i get a fullscreen pink, which is the color i use to init the output DirectX 12 textures https://youtu.be/UgYthvk9pPk
To debug here the first frame inputs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jfdwt470rnn6cjmcqy5yc/NRD-AOVs.zip?rlkey=7q1i2hvqddo01en0g52e3n5vh&st=44rr8jz5&dl=0
There is a lot to say so here the source code: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r07shlham0tlg94rm0xbv/Source-code.zip?rlkey=goh61m43lakhgnkal02p5wqw9&st=w486xmv8&dl=0
Denoising happens here:
NrdUserPool userPool = {};
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_MV, *In_NRD_MotionVectorsTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_VIEWZ, *In_NRD_ViewZTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS, *In_NRD_NormalRoughnessTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_BASECOLOR_METALNESS, *In_NRD_BaseColorMetalnessTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_DIFF_RADIANCE_HITDIST, *In_NRD_DiffuseRadianceHitTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::IN_SPEC_RADIANCE_HITDIST, *In_NRD_SpecularRadianceHitTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::OUT_DIFF_RADIANCE_HITDIST, *Out_NRD_DiffuseRadianceHitTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::OUT_SPEC_RADIANCE_HITDIST, *Out_NRD_SpecularRadianceHitTexture);
NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, nrd::ResourceType::OUT_VALIDATION, *Out_NRD_ValidationTexture);
const nrd::Identifier denoiserId = NRD_ID(REBLUR_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR);
m_NRD->Denoise(&denoiserId, 1, *ConstantNRDContextSingleton::instance()->getNRICommandBuffer(), userPool);
So when I run denoising I get the color from the OutDebugColor image. This means denoising is not performed at all. I mean NRD doesn't write anything to the output textures(Out_NRD_DiffuseRadianceHitTexture and Out_NRD_SpecularRadianceHitTexture).
By instance commenting this line gives the same result: // m_NRD->Denoise(&denoiserId, 1, *ConstantNRDContextSingleton::instance()->getNRICommandBuffer(), userPool);
So I am doing something wrong but what? Debug layers doesnt claim anything. And unfortunately my pipeline is not linked to my swapchain so take a PIX capture wont give more info. The only suspicious things i can think is that i am using a RGBA32FImage for any NRD inputs. I should use RGBA8 for the out validation texture but the issue is not there. I will try to implement the specific formats tomorow and see if its helps.