retinanet-examples copied to clipboard
symbol lookup error
Version: Jetpack 4.4 Device: AGX Xavier
Branch: 20.03
Getting an error after running the cppapi/build setup when trying to convert my model.onnx to model.plan
/retinanet-examples/extras/cppapi/build$ ./export model.onnx model.plan
./export: symbol lookup error: ./export: undefined symbol: _ZN9retinanet6EngineC1EPKcmmNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEfiRKSt6vectorIS9_IfSaIfEESaISB_EEbfiRKS9_IS8_SaIS8_EES8_S8_bm
Can you try the main branch with JP 4.6? For the first time the main branch has TRT8 which is compatible with recent container and JP4.6