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Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit

Results 191 cuda-samples issues
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Fix two obvious errors, the first one is that five tasks were submitted to pipeline at the same time and task 4 conflicts with task 0, the remaining two are...

## Details When trying to compile `cuda-samples` under `nixos-unstable`, it will always error with undefined references to CDP related libraries and functions. `flake.nix` ```nix { inputs = { nixpkgs.url =...

I git-cloned these sample code into my computer with CUDA v12.5 installed, then when I tried to compile the sample code it failed. According to output messages from the solution...

Sample name: 5_Domain_Specific/NV12toBGRandResize Environment: Windows VS2019. After nv12ToBGRplanarBatch kernel, d_outputBGR has all of 0 value. And 'output/t1/converted_bgr_640x480_1.raw" has all of 0 value. I checked that 'nv12ToBGRplanarBatch' kernel has some problem...

dense2sparse_csr_example.c line 125. // execute Sparse to Dense conversion should be dense to sparse

Hi! We have a Gefroce RTX 3090 GPU oom error: The env info: My GPU is Geforce RTX 3090, 8 GPU device,the GPU driver is 535.171.04, cuda is 12.2.2_535.104.05 ,a...

Currently there's no tag for 12.5. Is 12.5-specific samples still under development? If not can we tag the latest (12.4.1) to 12.5? This will help with version matching in automation.

Example: asyncAPI_vs2022.vcxproj for MVS2022 reference: ... The size of d_data and d_integral_image here can be misleading. ``` int n_elements = w * h; int sz = sizeof(unsigned int) * n_elements; checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocHost(reinterpret_cast(&h_image), sz)); checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast(&d_data), sz)); checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast(&d_integral_image),...

Hi, I came across an error in the reduction code under []( On line 931, I think the kernel should be given the template parameter "false" instead of "true": reduce7...