cuda-samples icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cuda-samples copied to clipboard

why this code can not complie?

Open cqray1990 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments


  • Copyright 1993-2012 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Please refer to the NVIDIA end user license agreement (EULA) associated
  • with this source code for terms and conditions that govern your use of
  • this software. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of
  • this software and related documentation outside the terms of the EULA
  • is strictly prohibited. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

#include <cuda.h> #include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

static const int WORK_SIZE = 256;


  • This macro checks return value of the CUDA runtime call and exits
  • the application if the call failed.
  • See cuda.h for error code descriptions. */ #define CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(N) {
    CUresult result = N;
    if (result != 0) {
    printf("CUDA call on line %d returned error %d\n", LINE,
    } }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { CUmodule module; CUcontext context; CUdevice device; CUdeviceptr deviceArray; CUfunction process;

void *kernelArguments[] = { &deviceArray };
int deviceCount;
unsigned int idata[WORK_SIZE], odata[WORK_SIZE];

for (int i = 0; i < WORK_SIZE; ++i) {
	idata[i] = i;

if (deviceCount == 0) {
	printf("No CUDA-compatible devices found\n");
CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, device));

CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(cuModuleLoad(&module, "bitreverse.fatbin"));
CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(cuModuleGetFunction(&process, module, "bitreverse"));

CHECK_CUDA_RESULT(cuMemAlloc(&deviceArray, sizeof(int) * WORK_SIZE));
		cuMemcpyHtoD(deviceArray, idata, sizeof(int) * WORK_SIZE));

		cuLaunchKernel(process, 1, 1, 1, WORK_SIZE, 1, 1, 0, NULL, kernelArguments, NULL));

		cuMemcpyDtoH(odata, deviceArray, sizeof(int) * WORK_SIZE));

for (int i = 0; i < WORK_SIZE; ++i) {
	printf("Input value: %u, output value: %u\n", idata[i], odata[i]);


return 0;


cqray1990 avatar Aug 06 '22 10:08 cqray1990

That code compiled just fine on my machine. Note that the markdown "swallowed" some underscores and backslashes, i added those back (in case that's what the problem is). In particular the LINE should be __LINE__, and the macro should have backslashes (\) at the end; but other than that the sample compiled just fine (ubuntu 20.04). What error(s) were you seeing?

ingowald avatar Feb 09 '23 18:02 ingowald