TensorRT copied to clipboard
defaultAllocator.cpp::nvinfer1::internal::DefaultAllocator::allocate::63] Error Code 1: Cuda Runtime (out of memory)
Change the input image size of ONNX
model from 1 * 3 * 1024 * 1024
to 1 * 3 * 2000 * 2000
, get an error when converting ONNX to trtmodel
defaultAllocator.cpp::nvinfer1::internal::DefaultAllocator::allocate::63] Error Code 1: Cuda Runtime (out of memory).
cudnn cudnn8.4.1.50
cuda 11.2
Modifying the maxWorkspaceSize
, either larger or smaller will not solve the problem. Is there any solution?
This looks like a bug, can you share the onnx here?
@zerollzeng ,thank you for your attention,here's the model: random_param_4_nvidia_test_2e3_2e3.onnx, please download.
thanks again
Thanks for reporting this, I've filed a internal bug to track it.
this will be fixed in TRT 8.5.