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Myelin problem converting TensorflowV2.5.0 Object_detection_api to TensorRT on jetson nano

Open EugeneLesiv opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments


Hi, I am working on deploying MobileNetv2 on Jetson Nano and am having trouble converting these networks from TensorflowV2.5.0 Object_detection_api to TensorRT. I tried to convert the .onnx model to TensorRT engine, but I get this Myelin error:

[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Formats and tactics selection completed in 157.841 seconds.
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] After reformat layers: 135 layers
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 16777216
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 8640000
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 3240448
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 1440256
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 540160
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 39424
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 7680
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 7680
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 2048
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 1536
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 1024
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 512
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 512
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Block size 512
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Total Activation Memory: 30699008
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [I] [TRT] Detected 1 inputs and 4 output network tensors.
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [E] [TRT] ../builder/myelin/codeGenerator.cpp (112) - Myelin Error in addNodeToMyelinGraph: 0 (map/while/TensorArrayV2Read/TensorListGetItem operation not supported within a loop body.)
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [V] [TRT] Builder timing cache: created 72 entries, 22 hit(s)
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [E] [TRT] ../builder/myelin/codeGenerator.cpp (112) - Myelin Error in addNodeToMyelinGraph: 0 (map/while/TensorArrayV2Read/TensorListGetItem operation not supported within a loop body.)
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [E] Engine creation failed
[06/21/2021-10:11:26] [E] Engine set up failed
&&&& FAILED TensorRT.trtexec # trtexec --explicitBatch --onnx=/home/varya/weights/tf22/model_float_nms.onnx --verbose


TensorRT Version: 7.2 NVIDIA GPU: Jetson Nano L4T 32.4.3; nvidia-jetpack: 4.4.1 Python Version: 3.6 Tensorflow Version: 2.3.1+nv20.12 onnx: 1.9.0 tensorflow-onnx: 1.9.0 onnx-graphsurgeon: 0.3.7

Relevant Files

onnx models: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_RYdSk-DwE1OUQ

Steps To Reproduce

to convert I do the following:

  1. convert the save_model to .onnx file tf2onnx.convert --saved-model /home/tf2/saved_model --output /home/tf2/model.onnx --opset 11
  2. change data type from uint8 to float32
import onnx
import numpy as np
import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs

graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx.load("/home/tf2/model.onnx"))
for inp in graph.inputs:
    inp.dtype = np.float32
onnx.save(gs.export_onnx(graph), "/home/tf2/model_float.onnx")
  1. replace NMS using the BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT plugin
import onnx
import numpy as np
import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs

print ("Running BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT plugin the ONNX model.. ")

input_model_path = "/home/tf2/model_float.onnx"
output_model_path = "/home/tf2/model_nms.onnx"

def replace_nms(graph, boxes, scores, nms_out):
    nms_attrs = {'shareLocation': True,
                'backgroundLabelId': -1,
                'numClasses': 4,
                'topK': 20,
                'keepTopK': 20,
                'scoreThreshold': 0.3,
                'iouThreshold': 0.6,
                'isNormalized': True,
                'clipBoxes': True}
    nms_num_detections = gs.Variable(name="nms_num_detections", dtype=np.int32, shape=(1, 1))
    nms_boxes =  gs.Variable(name="nms_boxes", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, 20, 4))
    nms_scores = gs.Variable(name="nms_scores", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, 20))
    nms_classes = gs.Variable(name="nms_classes", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, 20))

    boxes_reshaped = gs.Variable(name="boxes_reshaped", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, -1, 1, 4))
    boxes_shape = gs.Constant(name="boxes_shape", values=np.array([1, -1, 1, 4], dtype=np.int32))
    reshape = gs.Node(op="Reshape", inputs=[boxes, boxes_shape], outputs=[boxes_reshaped])

    node = gs.Node(op="BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT", attrs=nms_attrs, 
                inputs=[reshape.outputs[0], scores], outputs=[nms_num_detections, nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes])
    graph.outputs = [nms_num_detections, nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes]
    return graph

graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx.load(input_model_path))
tmap = graph.tensors()

boxes, scores, nms_out = tmap["Unsqueeze__568:0"], tmap["Unsqueeze__671:0"], tmap["NonMaxSuppression__673:0"]
graph = replace_nms(graph, boxes, scores, nms_out)

scores, nms_out = tmap["Unsqueeze__637:0"], tmap["NonMaxSuppression__639:0"]
graph = replace_nms(graph, boxes, scores, nms_out)

scores, nms_out = tmap["Unsqueeze__603:0"], tmap["NonMaxSuppression__605:0"]
graph = replace_nms(graph, boxes, scores, nms_out)

scores, nms_out = tmap["Unsqueeze__569:0"], tmap["NonMaxSuppression__571:0"]
graph = replace_nms(graph, boxes, scores, nms_out)

onnx.save_model(gs.export_onnx(graph), output_model_path)
  1. convert to TRT trtexec --explicitBatch --onnx=/home/tf2/model_nms.onnx --verbose

EugeneLesiv avatar Jun 21 '21 14:06 EugeneLesiv

@EugeneLesiv can you try a sample we've posted in fall. Please follow the instructions closely. This is for pretrained TFOD models from the zoo. If you have a custom model we cannot guarantee flawless conversion but it can certainly be done, if you are willing to read through code. I made sure there are a lot of comments that will help.

Feel free to reach out if you have any follow-up questions.

azhurkevich avatar Mar 31 '22 16:03 azhurkevich

I can repro this issue on my side using using TensorRT dev branch on Titan RTX. Not clear why resize operation is moved to myelin in this case.

[06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Error[4]: [codeGenerator.cpp::addNodeToMyelinGraph::166] Error Code 4: Myelin (RESIZE operation not supported within this graph.) [06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::buildSerializedNetwork::663] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion engine != nullptr failed. ) [06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Engine could not be created from network [06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Building engine failed [06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Failed to create engine from model or file. [06/22/2022-10:52:04] [E] Engine set up failed

I've filed a bug for TensorRT team to investigate. Internal bug number: 3691547

oxana-nvidia avatar Jun 22 '22 18:06 oxana-nvidia

@EugeneLesiv Could you please confirm if the NMS model is correctly generated? It seems the attributions such as topK is missing in the NMS node.

 Node "": type "BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT", inputs "['boxes_reshaped', 'Unsqueeze__739:0']", outputs "['nms_num_detections', 'nms_boxes', 'nms_scores', 'nms_classes']"
    attributes: [name: "shareLocation"
i: 1
type: INT
, name: "backgroundLabelId"
i: -1
type: INT
, name: "numClasses"
i: 4
type: INT
, name: "scoreThreshold"
f: 0.30000001192092896
type: FLOAT
, name: "iouThreshold"
f: 0.6000000238418579
type: FLOAT
, name: "isNormalized"
i: 1
type: INT
, name: "clipBoxes"
i: 1
type: INT

zhenhuaw-me avatar Aug 02 '22 08:08 zhenhuaw-me

@EugeneLesiv Hi, have you got a chance to update the model? Thanks!

zhenhuaw-me avatar Aug 18 '22 06:08 zhenhuaw-me

No feedback from the user for the request of a valid model for 3 weeks, closing.

@EugeneLesiv Please feel free to reopen if this is still an issue for you. Thanks!

zhenhuaw-me avatar Aug 25 '22 05:08 zhenhuaw-me