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cannot train new model with TTS tacotron2
I want to train new model with my dataset for other language
one case in my dataset json file is:
{"audio_filepath": "./wav/4.wav", "duration": 5.6750625, "is_phoneme": 1, "original_text": "gAme sevvOm d%r b/rnamerizI | $enAxte moqe@iyy%te fe@lIye hozE @%st | ", "normalized_text": "gAme sevvOm d%r b/rnamerizI | $enAxte moqe@iyy%te fe@lIye hozE @%st | "}
and my confige file is:
name: Tacotron2
train_dataset: ??? validation_datasets: ??? sup_data_path: null sup_data_types: null
phoneme_dict_path: "scripts/tts_dataset_files/cmudict-0.7b_nv22.01" heteronyms_path: "scripts/tts_dataset_files/heteronyms-030921" whitelist_path: "nemo_text_processing/text_normalization/en/data/whitelist/lj_speech.tsv"
model: pitch_fmin: 65.40639132514966 pitch_fmax: 2093.004522404789
sample_rate: 22050 n_mel_channels: 80 n_window_size: 1024 n_window_stride: 256 n_fft: 1024 lowfreq: 0 highfreq: 8000 window: hann pad_value: -11.52
text_normalizer: target: nemo_text_processing.text_normalization.normalize.Normalizer lang: en input_case: cased whitelist: ${whitelist_path}
text_normalizer_call_kwargs: verbose: false punct_pre_process: true punct_post_process: true
text_tokenizer: target: nemo.collections.tts.torch.tts_tokenizers.EnglishPhonemesTokenizer punct: true stresses: true chars: true apostrophe: true pad_with_space: true g2p: target: nemo.collections.tts.torch.g2ps.EnglishG2p phoneme_dict: ${phoneme_dict_path} heteronyms: ${heteronyms_path}
train_ds: dataset: target: "" manifest_filepath: ${train_dataset} sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate} sup_data_path: ${sup_data_path} sup_data_types: ${sup_data_types} n_fft: ${model.n_fft} win_length: ${model.n_window_size} hop_length: ${model.n_window_stride} window: ${model.window} n_mels: ${model.n_mel_channels} lowfreq: ${model.lowfreq} highfreq: ${model.highfreq} max_duration: null min_duration: 0.1 ignore_file: null trim: False pitch_fmin: ${model.pitch_fmin} pitch_fmax: ${model.pitch_fmax} dataloader_params: drop_last: false shuffle: true batch_size: 48 num_workers: 4 pin_memory: true
validation_ds: dataset: target: "" manifest_filepath: ${train_dataset} sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate} sup_data_path: ${sup_data_path} sup_data_types: ${sup_data_types} n_fft: ${model.n_fft} win_length: ${model.n_window_size} hop_length: ${model.n_window_stride} window: ${model.window} n_mels: ${model.n_mel_channels} lowfreq: ${model.lowfreq} highfreq: ${model.highfreq} max_duration: null min_duration: 0.1 ignore_file: null trim: False pitch_fmin: ${model.pitch_fmin} pitch_fmax: ${model.pitch_fmax} dataloader_params: drop_last: false shuffle: false batch_size: 24 num_workers: 8 pin_memory: true
preprocessor: target: nfilt: ${model.n_mel_channels} highfreq: ${model.highfreq} log: true log_zero_guard_type: clamp log_zero_guard_value: 1e-05 lowfreq: ${model.lowfreq} n_fft: ${model.n_fft} n_window_size: ${model.n_window_size} n_window_stride: ${model.n_window_stride} pad_to: 16 pad_value: ${model.pad_value} sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate} window: ${model.window} normalize: null preemph: null dither: 0.0 frame_splicing: 1 stft_conv: false nb_augmentation_prob : 0 mag_power: 1.0 exact_pad: true use_grads: false
encoder: target: nemo.collections.tts.modules.tacotron2.Encoder encoder_kernel_size: 5 encoder_n_convolutions: 3 encoder_embedding_dim: 512
decoder: target: nemo.collections.tts.modules.tacotron2.Decoder decoder_rnn_dim: 1024 encoder_embedding_dim: ${model.encoder.encoder_embedding_dim} gate_threshold: 0.5 max_decoder_steps: 1000 n_frames_per_step: 1 # currently only 1 is supported n_mel_channels: ${model.n_mel_channels} p_attention_dropout: 0.1 p_decoder_dropout: 0.1 prenet_dim: 256 prenet_p_dropout: 0.5 # Attention parameters attention_dim: 128 attention_rnn_dim: 1024 # AttentionLocation Layer parameters attention_location_kernel_size: 31 attention_location_n_filters: 32 early_stopping: true
postnet: target: nemo.collections.tts.modules.tacotron2.Postnet n_mel_channels: ${model.n_mel_channels} p_dropout: 0.5 postnet_embedding_dim: 512 postnet_kernel_size: 5 postnet_n_convolutions: 5
optim: name: adam lr: 1e-3 weight_decay: 1e-6
# scheduler setup
name: CosineAnnealing
min_lr: 1e-5
trainer: devices: 1 # number of gpus max_epochs: ??? num_nodes: 1 accelerator: gpu strategy: ddp accumulate_grad_batches: 1 enable_checkpointing: False # Provided by exp_manager logger: False # Provided by exp_manager gradient_clip_val: 1.0 log_every_n_steps: 60 check_val_every_n_epoch: 2 benchmark: false
exp_manager: exp_dir: null name: ${name} create_tensorboard_logger: true create_checkpoint_callback: true checkpoint_callback_params: monitor: val_loss mode: min
but I get this error:
Error executing job with overrides: ['model.sample_rate=16000', 'train_dataset=new_text.json', 'validation_datasets=new_text.json', 'trainer.max_epochs=100', 'trainer.accelerator=gpu', 'trainer.check_val_every_n_epoch=1', '+trainer.gpus=1'] Error in call to target '': KeyError('text') full_key: train_ds.dataset
how to I resolve this?
I replaced "original_text" with "text" but again I got this error
Could you provide more of the error context? Does it give a line number where it fails?
The TTSDataset class does expect that each entry have a text
field that contains the original text. Did you replace original_text
for all entries?
I also notice that you seem to be using the EnglishPhonemesTokenizer
and English language normalizer, which will probably get rid of a lot of the special symbols in your text. You may want to double-check that the behavior there is as intended.
@aroraakshit and @XuesongYang are more familiar with non-English training, have either of you seen this error before?
Umm, is this NeMo 1.10? or NeMo 1.11? and could you please post the full error dump?
haven't seen the error before. @Lanzik could you pls share full stack of error log?
it has been 25+ days for this issue. Are you still facing this @Lanzik ?
cc: @redoctopus
it has been 25+ days for this issue. Are you still facing this @Lanzik ?
cc: @redoctopus
no it's solved. in my text data there was ";" ! the problem was for semicolon and I replaced it with another character and solved!