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Mixed precision (16-bit) training error
I'm trying to use 16 bit precision in pytorch lightning to save some gpu memory, but I'm getting this error:
RuntimeError:MinkowskiEngine/src/convolution_gpu.cu:69, assertion (in_feat.scalar_type() == kernel.scalar_type()) failed. type mismatch
Is there a way to fix this error?
same problem..
I also get that error and i dont understand, how im supposed to influence the data type of the kernel, as im using standard ME convs
EDIT: I fixed the problem by adjusting dtypes in the creation of my sparse tensors. dtype=torch.int16 did it for me
same problem
I carefully compared my input with the input of FCGF, Minkowskiengine/example/reconstruction.py&completion.py, and found that the dtype in my input is different from the others, mine is float64, the others are float32, guess this should be the reason error caused by
Hi all, I met this problem too, I found it occurs after removing nn.Sequential
in my code.
work well:
self.module = nn.Sequential(ME.MinkowskiConvolution(3, 128, 3, dimension=3))
self.module = ME.MinkowskiConvolution(3, 128, 3, dimension=3)
same problem, you have to make sure the tensor type of features is torch.float32.