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[BUG] Flakky test error in A100

Open albert17 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Getting some tests errors in A100 but not V100

 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-7.1.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /transformers4rec
plugins: typeguard-2.13.3
collected 199 items / 1 skipped

tests/tf/ ...................                             [  9%]
tests/tf/ .......                                      [ 13%]
tests/tf/block/ ..                                           [ 14%]
tests/tf/block/ .                                            [ 14%]
tests/tf/block/ ........................                      [ 26%]
tests/tf/block/ ..................                    [ 35%]
tests/tf/features/ .....                               [ 38%]
tests/tf/features/ ........                             [ 42%]
tests/tf/features/ ............                          [ 48%]
tests/tf/features/ .......                                [ 51%]
tests/tf/model/ ................................             [ 67%]
tests/tf/model/ ...............................             [ 83%]
tests/tf/tabular/ .........                           [ 87%]
tests/tf/tabular/ .........                               [ 92%]
tests/tf/tabular/ .FFF.....FFFF                   [ 98%]
tests/tf/utils/ ..                                   [100%]

See full log

_______________________ test_stochastic_swap_noise[0.3] ________________________

replacement_prob = 0.3

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise(replacement_prob):
        NUM_SEQS = 100
        SEQ_LENGTH = 80
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        # Creating some input sequences with padding in the end
        # (to emulate sessions with different lengths)
        seq_inputs = {
            "categ_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(
                tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32), 1
            "cont_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH)), 1),
            "categ_feat": tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS,), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32),
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob)
        mask = seq_inputs["categ_seq_feat"] != PAD_TOKEN
        out_features_ssn = ssn(seq_inputs, input_mask=mask)
        for fname in seq_inputs:
            replaced_mask = out_features_ssn[fname] != seq_inputs[fname]
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, seq_inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.3 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.3 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
_______________________ test_stochastic_swap_noise[0.5] ________________________

replacement_prob = 0.5

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise(replacement_prob):
        NUM_SEQS = 100
        SEQ_LENGTH = 80
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        # Creating some input sequences with padding in the end
        # (to emulate sessions with different lengths)
        seq_inputs = {
            "categ_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(
                tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32), 1
            "cont_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH)), 1),
            "categ_feat": tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS,), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32),
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob)
        mask = seq_inputs["categ_seq_feat"] != PAD_TOKEN
        out_features_ssn = ssn(seq_inputs, input_mask=mask)
        for fname in seq_inputs:
            replaced_mask = out_features_ssn[fname] != seq_inputs[fname]
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, seq_inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.5 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.5 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
_______________________ test_stochastic_swap_noise[0.7] ________________________

replacement_prob = 0.7

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise(replacement_prob):
        NUM_SEQS = 100
        SEQ_LENGTH = 80
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        # Creating some input sequences with padding in the end
        # (to emulate sessions with different lengths)
        seq_inputs = {
            "categ_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(
                tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32), 1
            "cont_seq_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH)), 1),
            "categ_feat": tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS,), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32),
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob)
        mask = seq_inputs["categ_seq_feat"] != PAD_TOKEN
        out_features_ssn = ssn(seq_inputs, input_mask=mask)
        for fname in seq_inputs:
            replaced_mask = out_features_ssn[fname] != seq_inputs[fname]
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, seq_inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.7 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.7 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
____________ test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features[0.3] _____________

yoochoose_schema = [{'name': 'session_id', 'type': 'INT', 'int_domain': {'name': 'session_id', 'min': '1', 'max': '11562158'}, 'annotatio...ype': 'FLOAT', 'float_domain': {'name': 'user_age', 'max': 0.4079650044441223}, 'annotation': {'tag': ['continuous']}}]
tf_yoochoose_like = {'category/list': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100, 20), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[ 75,  10, 247, ...,   2,   0,   0],
       ...,  9450385,  1274920,  3624043,  1992476, 11443349,
        1244836,  7307614,  4965882, 11263996], dtype=int32)>, ...}
replacement_prob = 0.3

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features(
        yoochoose_schema, tf_yoochoose_like, replacement_prob
        inputs = tf_yoochoose_like
        tab_module = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(yoochoose_schema)
        out_features = tab_module(inputs)
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(
            pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob, schema=yoochoose_schema
        out_features_ssn = tab_module(inputs, pre=ssn, training=True)
        for fname in out_features_ssn:
            replaced_mask = out_features[fname] != out_features_ssn[fname]
            # Ignoring padding items to compute the mean replacement rate
            feat_non_padding_mask = inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, feat_non_padding_mask)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.3 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.3 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
____________ test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features[0.5] _____________

yoochoose_schema = [{'name': 'session_id', 'type': 'INT', 'int_domain': {'name': 'session_id', 'min': '1', 'max': '11562158'}, 'annotatio...ype': 'FLOAT', 'float_domain': {'name': 'user_age', 'max': 0.4079650044441223}, 'annotation': {'tag': ['continuous']}}]
tf_yoochoose_like = {'category/list': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100, 20), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[ 75,  10, 247, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       ...,  9450385,  1274920,  3624043,  1992476, 11443349,
        1244836,  7307614,  4965882, 11263996], dtype=int32)>, ...}
replacement_prob = 0.5

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features(
        yoochoose_schema, tf_yoochoose_like, replacement_prob
        inputs = tf_yoochoose_like
        tab_module = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(yoochoose_schema)
        out_features = tab_module(inputs)
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(
            pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob, schema=yoochoose_schema
        out_features_ssn = tab_module(inputs, pre=ssn, training=True)
        for fname in out_features_ssn:
            replaced_mask = out_features[fname] != out_features_ssn[fname]
            # Ignoring padding items to compute the mean replacement rate
            feat_non_padding_mask = inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, feat_non_padding_mask)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.5 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.5 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
____________ test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features[0.7] _____________

yoochoose_schema = [{'name': 'session_id', 'type': 'INT', 'int_domain': {'name': 'session_id', 'min': '1', 'max': '11562158'}, 'annotatio...ype': 'FLOAT', 'float_domain': {'name': 'user_age', 'max': 0.4079650044441223}, 'annotation': {'tag': ['continuous']}}]
tf_yoochoose_like = {'category/list': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100, 20), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[ 75,  10, 247, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       ...,  9450385,  1274920,  3624043,  1992476, 11443349,
        1244836,  7307614,  4965882, 11263996], dtype=int32)>, ...}
replacement_prob = 0.7

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement_prob", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
    def test_stochastic_swap_noise_with_tabular_features(
        yoochoose_schema, tf_yoochoose_like, replacement_prob
        inputs = tf_yoochoose_like
        tab_module = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(yoochoose_schema)
        out_features = tab_module(inputs)
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(
            pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=replacement_prob, schema=yoochoose_schema
        out_features_ssn = tab_module(inputs, pre=ssn, training=True)
        for fname in out_features_ssn:
            replaced_mask = out_features[fname] != out_features_ssn[fname]
            # Ignoring padding items to compute the mean replacement rate
            feat_non_padding_mask = inputs[fname] != PAD_TOKEN
            replaced_mask_non_padded = tf.boolean_mask(replaced_mask, feat_non_padding_mask)
            replacement_rate = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(replaced_mask_non_padded, dtype=tf.float32)
>           assert replacement_rate == pytest.approx(replacement_prob, abs=0.15)
E           assert 0.0 == 0.7 ± 1.5e-01
E             comparison failed
E             Obtained: 0.0
E             Expected: 0.7 ± 1.5e-01

tests/tf/tabular/ AssertionError
__________ test_stochastic_swap_noise_raise_exception_not_2d_item_id ___________

    def test_stochastic_swap_noise_raise_exception_not_2d_item_id():
        s = schema.Schema(
                    "item_id_feat", num_items=1000, tags=[Tag.ITEM_ID]
        NUM_SEQS = 100
        SEQ_LENGTH = 80
        PAD_TOKEN = 0
        seq_inputs = {
            "item_id_feat": tf.experimental.numpy.tril(
                tf.random.uniform((NUM_SEQS, SEQ_LENGTH, 64), minval=1, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32), 1
        ssn = tr.StochasticSwapNoise(pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, replacement_prob=0.3, schema=s)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
>           ssn(seq_inputs)
E           Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'ValueError'>

tests/tf/tabular/ Failed
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.3]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.5]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.7]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.3]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.5]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/[0.7]
FAILED tests/tf/tabular/

albert17 avatar Apr 05 '22 21:04 albert17