isaac_ros_visual_slam icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
isaac_ros_visual_slam copied to clipboard

no vio with zedm camera

Open limshoonkit opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments


Release 2.10


  1. Jetson Orin Nano devkit with jetpack 5.1.3
  2. Stereolab zedm camera


  1. setting 'enable_imu_fusion' to True and run it shows following error
[component_container-3] Warning: Invalid frame ID "zedm_imu_link" passed to canTransform argument source_frame - frame does not exist
[component_container-3]          at line 93 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-humble-tf2-0.25.5/src/buffer_core.cpp
[component_container-3] [ERROR] [1710056567.557960302] [visual_slam_node]: Transform is impossible. canTransform(zedm_camera_center->zedm_imu_link) returns false
  1. running with 'enable_imu_fusion': False setting / VO only do not have /visual_slam/status topic, there is no isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces/msg/VisualSlamStatus msg vo_only

Is IMU fusion/ VIO not supported currently? IMU fusion status

Launch file

import os

from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory

import launch
from launch.actions import TimerAction
from launch.substitutions import Command
from launch_ros.actions import ComposableNodeContainer, Node
from launch_ros.descriptions import ComposableNode

def generate_launch_description():
    """Launch file which brings up visual slam node configured for RealSense."""
    # The zed camera mode name. zed, zed2, zed2i, zedm, zedx or zedxm
    camera_model = 'zedm'

    visual_slam_node = ComposableNode(
                    'denoise_input_images': False,
                    'rectified_images': True,
                    'enable_debug_mode': False,
                    'debug_dump_path': '/tmp/cuvslam',
                    'enable_slam_visualization': True,
                    'enable_landmarks_view': True,
                    'enable_observations_view': True,
                    'map_frame': 'map',
                    'odom_frame': 'odom',
                    'base_frame': camera_model+'_camera_center',
                    'input_imu_frame': camera_model+'_imu_link',
                    'enable_imu_fusion': True,
                    'gyro_noise_density': 0.00031087587083255885 ,
                    'gyro_random_walk': 0.00001055941968559931,
                    'accel_noise_density': 0.003907644774014534,
                    'accel_random_walk': 0.00043090053285131967 ,
                    'calibration_frequency': 200.0,
                    'img_jitter_threshold_ms': 35.00
        remappings=[('stereo_camera/left/image', 'zed_node/left/image_rect_color_rgb'),
                    ('stereo_camera/left/camera_info', 'zed_node/left/camera_info'),
                    ('visual_slam/imu', 'zed_node/imu/data')]

    image_format_converter_node_left = ComposableNode(
                'encoding_desired': 'rgb8',
            ('image_raw', 'zed_node/left/image_rect_color'),
            ('image', 'zed_node/left/image_rect_color_rgb')]

    image_format_converter_node_right = ComposableNode(
                'encoding_desired': 'rgb8',
            ('image_raw', 'zed_node/right/image_rect_color'),
            ('image', 'zed_node/right/image_rect_color_rgb')]

    visual_slam_launch_container = ComposableNodeContainer(

    # URDF/xacro file to be loaded by the Robot State Publisher node
    xacro_path = os.path.join(
        'urdf', 'zed_descr.urdf.xacro'

    # ZED Configurations to be loaded by ZED Node
    config_common = os.path.join(

    # Robot State Publisher node
    rsp_node = Node(
            'robot_description': Command(
                    'xacro', ' ', xacro_path, ' ',
                    'camera_name:=', camera_model, ' ',
                    'camera_model:=', camera_model

    # ZED node using manual composition
    zed_node = Node(
            config_common,  # Common parameters
            {'general.camera_model': camera_model,
             'general.camera_name': camera_model}

    # Adding delay because isaac_ros_visual_slam requires
    # tf from rsp_node at start
    return launch.LaunchDescription([
            period=5.0,  # Delay in seconds

Zedm config file

# config/common_yaml
# Common parameters to Stereolabs ZED and ZED mini cameras
# Note: the parameter svo_file is passed as exe argumet

            camera_model: "zedm"
            camera_name: "zedm" # usually overwritten by launch file
            grab_resolution: 'HD720' # The native camera grab resolution. 'HD2K', 'HD1080', 'HD720', 'VGA', 'AUTO'
            grab_frame_rate: 60 # ZED SDK internal grabbing rate
            svo_file: "" # usually overwritten by launch file
            svo_loop: false # Enable loop mode when using an SVO as input source
            svo_realtime: true # if true the SVO will be played trying to respect the original framerate eventually skipping frames, otherwise every frame will be processed respecting the `pub_frame_rate` setting
            camera_timeout_sec: 5
            camera_max_reconnect: 5
            camera_flip: false
            zed_id: 0 # IMPORTANT: to be used in simulation to distinguish individual cameras im multi-camera configurations - usually overwritten by launch file
            serial_number: 0 # usually overwritten by launch file
            pub_resolution: 'CUSTOM' # The resolution used for output. 'NATIVE' to use the same `general.grab_resolution` - `CUSTOM` to apply the `general.pub_downscale_factor` downscale factory to reduce bandwidth in transmission
            pub_downscale_factor: 2.0 # rescale factor used to rescale image before publishing when 'pub_resolution' is 'CUSTOM'
            pub_frame_rate: 60.0 # frequency of publishing of visual images and depth images
            gpu_id: -1
            region_of_interest: '[]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
            #region_of_interest: '[[0.25,0.33],[0.75,0.33],[0.75,0.5],[0.5,0.75],[0.25,0.5]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
            #region_of_interest: '[[0.25,0.25],[0.75,0.25],[0.75,0.75],[0.25,0.75]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
            #region_of_interest: '[[0.5,0.25],[0.75,0.5],[0.5,0.75],[0.25,0.5]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
            sdk_verbose: 1

            brightness: 4 # [DYNAMIC] Not available for ZED X/ZED X Mini
            contrast: 4 # [DYNAMIC] Not available for ZED X/ZED X Mini
            hue: 0 # [DYNAMIC] Not available for ZED X/ZED X Mini
            saturation: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            sharpness: 4 # [DYNAMIC]
            gamma: 8 # [DYNAMIC]
            auto_exposure_gain: true # [DYNAMIC]
            exposure: 80 # [DYNAMIC]
            gain: 80 # [DYNAMIC]
            auto_whitebalance: true # [DYNAMIC]
            whitebalance_temperature: 42 # [DYNAMIC] - [28,65] works only if `auto_whitebalance` is false
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            depth_mode: 'NONE' # Matches the ZED SDK setting: 'NONE', 'PERFORMANCE', 'QUALITY', 'ULTRA', 'NEURAL' - Note: if 'NONE' all the modules that requires depth extraction are disabled by default (Pos. Tracking, Obj. Detection, Mapping, ...)
            depth_stabilization: 1 # Forces positional tracking to start if major than 0 - Range: [0,100]
            openni_depth_mode: false # 'false': 32bit float [meters], 'true': 16bit unsigned int [millimeters]
            point_cloud_freq: 10.0 # [DYNAMIC] - frequency of the pointcloud publishing (equal or less to `grab_frame_rate` value)
            depth_confidence: 50 # [DYNAMIC]
            depth_texture_conf: 100 # [DYNAMIC]
            remove_saturated_areas: true # [DYNAMIC]
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE 

            pos_tracking_enabled: false # True to enable positional tracking from start            
            imu_fusion: true # enable/disable IMU fusion. When set to false, only the optical odometry will be used.
            publish_tf: true # [usually overwritten by launch file] publish `odom -> base_link` TF
            publish_map_tf: true # [usually overwritten by launch file] publish `map -> odom` TF
            publish_imu_tf: true # [usually overwritten by launch file] enable/disable the IMU TF broadcasting
            base_frame: "base_link" # usually overwritten by launch file
            map_frame: "map"
            odometry_frame: "odom"
            area_memory_db_path: ""
            area_memory: true # Enable to detect loop closure
            depth_min_range: 0.0 # Set this value for removing fixed zones of the robot in the FoV of the camerafrom the visual odometry evaluation
            set_as_static: false # If 'true' the camera will be static and not move in the environment
            set_gravity_as_origin: true # If 'true' align the positional tracking world to imu gravity measurement. Keep the yaw from the user initial pose.
            floor_alignment: false # Enable to automatically calculate camera/floor offset
            initial_base_pose: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Initial position of the `base_frame` in the map -> [X, Y, Z, R, P, Y]
            init_odom_with_first_valid_pose: true # Enable to initialize the odometry with the first valid pose
            path_pub_rate: 2.0 # [DYNAMIC] - Camera trajectory publishing frequency
            path_max_count: -1 # use '-1' for unlimited path size
            two_d_mode: false # Force navigation on a plane. If true the Z value will be fixed to "fixed_z_value", roll and pitch to zero
            fixed_z_value: 0.00 # Value to be used for Z coordinate if `two_d_mode` is true
            transform_time_offset: 0.0 # The value added to the timestamp of `map->odom` and `odom->base_link`` transform being generated
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            gnss_fusion_enabled: false # fuse 'sensor_msg/NavSatFix' message information into pose data
            gnss_fix_topic: "/gps/fix" # Name of the GNSS topic of type NavSatFix to subscribe [Default: "/gps/fix"]
            gnss_init_distance: 5.0 # The minimum distance traveled by the robot required to initilize the GNSS fusion
            gnss_zero_altitude: false # Set to `true` to ignore GNSS altitude information
            gnss_frame: "gnss_link" # [usually overwritten by launch file] The TF frame of the GNSS sensor
            publish_utm_tf: true # Publish `utm` -> `map` TF
            broadcast_utm_transform_as_parent_frame: false # if 'true' publish `utm` -> `map` TF, otherwise `map` -> `utm`

            mapping_enabled: false # True to enable mapping and fused point cloud pubblication
            resolution: 0.05 # maps resolution in meters [min: 0.01f - max: 0.2f]
            max_mapping_range: 5.0 # maximum depth range while mapping in meters (-1 for automatic calculation) [2.0, 20.0]
            fused_pointcloud_freq: 1.0 # frequency of the publishing of the fused colored point cloud
            clicked_point_topic: "/clicked_point" # Topic published by Rviz when a point of the cloud is clicked. Used for plane detection
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            sensors_image_sync: false # Synchronize Sensors messages with latest published video/depth message
            sensors_pub_rate: 200. # frequency of publishing of sensors data. MAX: 400. - MIN: grab rate
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT -
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

            od_enabled: false # True to enable Object Detection
            allow_reduced_precision_inference: true # Allow inference to run at a lower precision to improve runtime and memory usage
            max_range: 20.0 # [m] Defines a upper depth range for detections
            confidence_threshold: 50.0 # [DYNAMIC] - Minimum value of the detection confidence of an object [0,99]
            prediction_timeout: 0.5 # During this time [sec], the object will have OK state even if it is not detected. Set this parameter to 0 to disable SDK predictions            
            filtering_mode: 1 # '0': NONE - '1': NMS3D - '2': NMS3D_PER_CLASS
            mc_people: false # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of persons for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_vehicle: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of vehicles for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_bag: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of bags for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_animal: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of animals for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_electronics: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of electronic devices for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_fruit_vegetable: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of fruits and vegetables for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models
            mc_sport: true # [DYNAMIC] - Enable/disable the detection of sport-related objects for 'MULTI_CLASS_X' models            
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE
            bt_enabled: false # True to enable Body Tracking
            body_format: 'BODY_38' # 'BODY_18','BODY_34','BODY_38','BODY_70'
            allow_reduced_precision_inference: false # Allow inference to run at a lower precision to improve runtime and memory usage
            max_range: 20.0 # [m] Defines a upper depth range for detections
            body_kp_selection: 'FULL' # 'FULL', 'UPPER_BODY'
            enable_body_fitting: false # Defines if the body fitting will be applied
            enable_tracking: true # Defines if the object detection will track objects across images flow
            prediction_timeout_s: 0.5 # During this time [sec], the skeleton will have OK state even if it is not detected. Set this parameter to 0 to disable SDK predictions
            confidence_threshold: 50.0 # [DYNAMIC] - Minimum value of the detection confidence of skeleton key points [0,99]
            minimum_keypoints_threshold: 5 # [DYNAMIC] - Minimum number of skeleton key points to be detected for a valid skeleton
            qos_history: 1 # '1': KEEP_LAST - '2': KEEP_ALL
            qos_depth: 1 # Queue size if using KEEP_LAST
            qos_reliability: 1 # '1': RELIABLE - '2': BEST_EFFORT
            qos_durability: 2 # '1': TRANSIENT_LOCAL - '2': VOLATILE

        use_sim_time: false # EXPERIMENTAL (only for development) - Set to true to enable SIMULATION mode # 
        sim_address: '' # EXPERIMENTAL (only for development) - The local address of the machine running the simulator

            debug_common: false
            debug_video_depth: false
            debug_camera_controls: false
            debug_point_cloud: false
            debug_positional_tracking: false
            debug_gnss: false
            debug_sensors: false
            debug_mapping : false
            debug_terrain_mapping : false
            debug_object_detection : false
            debug_body_tracking : false

limshoonkit avatar Mar 10 '24 07:03 limshoonkit

added a line to the zed.yaml config file resolve the zedm_imu_link not being publish issue but the /visual_slam/status still indicates cannot get isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces/msg/VisualSlamStatus?

      publish_imu_tf: true # [usually overwritten by launch file] enable/disable the IMU TF broadcasting

limshoonkit avatar Mar 11 '24 03:03 limshoonkit