trt_pose copied to clipboard
Gstreamer warning: Cannot query video position: status=0, value=-1, duration=-1
Hey everyone,
We're currently trying to run trt_pose on a Jetson TX2 running on Ubuntu 18 with Python3. We did some debugging with different module installations using pip; had to reinstall modules like 'traitlets', 'ipywidgets', etc. Python 3.6; and moved files like human_pose.json and *.pth files for model weights to '~/torch2trt/trt_pose'. We can't seem to get the actual camera to give us live feed. Here's the error:
#from jetcam.usb_camera import USBCamera ... from jetcam.csi_camera import CSICamera
from jetcam.utils import bgr8_to_jpeg
#camera = USBCamera(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, capture_fps=30) ... camera = CSICamera(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, capture_fps=30) GST_ARGUS: Creating output stream CONSUMER: Waiting until producer is connected... GST_ARGUS: Available Sensor modes : GST_ARGUS: 2592 x 1944 FR = 29.999999 fps Duration = 33333334 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 34000, max 550385000;
GST_ARGUS: 2592 x 1458 FR = 29.999999 fps Duration = 33333334 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 34000, max 550385000;
GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 120.000005 fps Duration = 8333333 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 22000, max 358733000;
GST_ARGUS: Running with following settings: Camera index = 0 Camera mode = 2 Output Stream W = 1280 H = 720 seconds to Run = 0 Frame Rate = 120.000005 GST_ARGUS: Setup Complete, Starting captures for 0 seconds GST_ARGUS: Starting repeat capture requests. CONSUMER: Producer has connected; continuing. [ WARN:0] global /home/nvidia/host/build_opencv/nv_opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (933) open OpenCV | GStreamer warning: Cannot query video position: status=0, value=-1, duration=-1
No display is coming up and the whole code works fine. The onboard camera doesn't show any output.
Any help would be really appreciated!!
Try to restart camera service before each start of the camera:
sudo systemctl restart nvargus-daemon
On my Jetson Nano this solves the problem I had.
posted oct 2020, and still no resolve? not looking good for me then, I've been trying for days to find a resolve. nothing.
I also have this problem
This problem also raised to me,but it does not affect my normal use。
If you run into question with this log, this may not be the key point,try check somewhere else