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How to prepare inference script from model output
I'm getting output like this, But could not get any common pattern to extract and prepare inference script. I want to see specific aspect with corresponding opinion.
i really love their environment , people but service and food taste was worst . a-4,5 a-6,7 a-8,9 a-10,11 o-2,3 o-13,14
delicious chicken fry , brown cream coffee and green tea but worst cheese pizza , beef and chicken salad . a-1,3 a-4,7 a-8,10 a-12,14 a-15,17 a-17,19 o-0,1 o-11,12
the chicken fry was not so good . the green tea was not bad . a-1,3 a-9,11 o-4,7 o-12,14
Hi, This should be the results of the first step (aspect opinion co-extraction), the "a-4,5" means an aspect range from index 4 to 5 is extracted, and the "o-2,3" means an opinion range from index 2 to 3 is extracted.
After matching the aspects and the opinions by the script (, we can further get the valid aspect-opinion pairs by step 2 ( The results should be stored in (
Thanks @blhoy for your early reply.
But after running last part of sh file . the generated data are like this:
the chicken fry was delicious , delivery was not satisfactory . 1,3 4,5
the chicken fry was delicious , delivery was not satisfactory . 1,3 8,10
the chicken fry was delicious , delivery was not satisfactory . 6,7 4,5
the chicken fry was delicious , delivery was not satisfactory . 6,7 8,10
Here it is giving all opinions for each aspect. I think there is some mistake from me. But can't figure out. Need support.
Thanks in advance.
The first line consists of "Review text+aspect+opinion", and the second line is the predicted "category+sentiment" of the given aspect-opinion pair.
The "FOOD#QUALITY" is the category in the "FOOD#QUALITY#2", and the "2" is the sentiment. 0, 1, 2 means negative, neutral, and positive, respectively.
The third line without corresponding category-sentiment pair means that the given aspect-opinion pair "1,3 8,10" is not a valid aspect-opinion pair.
after running first scripts. I've got output like this:
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 1,2 3,4
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 1,2 8,9
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 1,2 17,18
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 6,7 3,4
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 6,7 8,9
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 6,7 17,18
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 15,16 3,4
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 15,16 8,9
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . 15,16 17,18
and after running second part of the sh file.
there was a really nice vibe about the place . . . good music , atmosphere and happy looking people . a-5,6 a-8,9 a-13,14 a-15,16 a-19,20 o-4,5 o-12,13 o-17,19
the service was excellent , the coffee was good even by starbucks standards and the food was outstanding . a-1,2 a-6,7 a-15,16 o-3,4 o-8,9 o-17,18
But I have observed that final output is not good compared to first (aspect-opinion) output. Am I doing any wrong or these results are okay ?
The results of step 2 should be like this (stored in
green tea cr ##eme br ##ule ##e is a must ! 0,7 9,10
it has great su ##shi and even better service . 3,5 2,3
it has great su ##shi and even better service . 8,9 7,8
After get the file "pred4pipeline.txt", we can prepare the input file "domian_type+'_test_pair_1st.tsv'" for step 2 by "".