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Support for App Expose on Catalina?
Very nice about the project, I was able to detect when the mission control is active. Is there any support to check also when the App Expose is active? Thank you.
Hi there @cotfas how did you manage to check whether Mission Control is active? It's something I'm also very interested in.
This one worked
Readapted for my case:
`static bool isMissionControlActiveParam(CGSSpaceMask type) { printfSP("isMissionControlActiveParam %d\n", type);
CFArrayRef spaces = CGSCopySpaces(CGSDefaultConnection, type);
if (showSpacesLog) {
NSLog(@"queried spaces: %@", spaces);
bool missionControlActive = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(spaces); i++) {
NSNumber * val = (NSNumber *) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(spaces, i);
long long longValue = [val longLongValue];
CGSSpace space = longValue;
CFStringRef name = CGSSpaceCopyName(CGSDefaultConnection, space);
if (showSpacesLog) {
printfSP("Space ID: %lld\n", space);
printfSP("Absolute level: %d\n", CGSSpaceGetAbsoluteLevel(CGSDefaultConnection, space));
printfSP("Compat ID: %d\n", CGSSpaceGetCompatID(CGSDefaultConnection, space));
printfSP("Type: %d\n", CGSSpaceGetType(CGSDefaultConnection, space));
NSString *compareName = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(name);
if ([compareName isEqualToString:@"mission-control"]) {
printfSP("found mission-control returning true\n");
missionControlActive = true;
return missionControlActive;
//kCGSSpaceAll - onlyDesktop
//kCGSAllOSSpacesMask - returns mission-control on noMissionControl and also SpacesBarWindowController when yesMissionControl
//kCGSCurrentOSSpacesMask - returns mission-control/SpacesBarWindowController only on yesMissionControl
bool isActive = isMissionControlActiveParam(kCGSCurrentOSSpacesMask);