NSPanelManager copied to clipboard
Some UX remarks
Even after reading the #documentation #pdf, I didn't know if i needed to create 2 mqtt users, 1 for manager, 1 for panel or could I use the same for both?
Manager view (HA Addon)
- NSpanels - OK, even the logo redirects to same page. Can be removed.
- Rooms:
2.a. The main link is the same as the first one of the dropdown. Remove dropdown first link. 2.b. Change order - can be in general room manager by drag-drop. Remove link. 2.c. New room - remove link, since in main Room view the main CTA is Add new room anyway.
- Upload: this confused me. Do I upload it to the manager, and then install to my NSPanel? What is a data file? Is this for beta testers only?
- Settings: 4.a. Changes to NSPanel settings on this page requires a reboot of each panel to take effect. - can we automatically reboot?
Index page (/)
- the list looks very narrow and empty, with most people having 1 or 2 devices at most
Suggest a grid with "card" styles, quick mockup:
- Maybe still too much info which duplicates each other. If it has wifi RSSI icon, then i can deduce it is online.
- The Actions are hidden under a dropdown - there are only 3 of them, could be all visible, or moved to the individual device page.
Rooms page
- Save and Delete next to each other compete a bit, the delete could be in the corner with just an icon.
Add a light
There are competing options which invalidate each other.
- If it is a switch, it has no "Capabilities" (temp, rgb)
- The Color temperature and RGB confuse me - if I have an RGB light, it also has (in HASS) color temperature changing option anyway.
- The parameters (at least from HASS) can be grabbed and autofilled, ie:
<template TemplateState(<state light.kitchen_ceiling=off; supported_color_modes=[<ColorMode.ONOFF: 'onoff'>], icon=fapro:yeelight-filament, friendly_name=Ceiling, supported_features=0, logo=yeelight @ 2023-07-17T19:44:43.869083+03:00>)>
Individual light control
I don't get this bottom picture at all, it seems almost like a live demo of what i can expect on the NSPanel, but it is not, so what is it?
Clicking on any cell gives this popup, what am I supposed to do?
Single device page (http://192.168.1.xxx)
- Add link to the Manager page (http://homeassistant.local:8000/)
- Add link to the NSpanel inside manager (http://homeassistant.local:8000/nspanel/1)
- Friendly name - since it can be changed in Manager/nspanel, why duplicate it?
- If already connected to Wifi, remove the Wifi block? Same with MQTT.
- Show the same stats here as Manager Index page (Temperature, RSSI), and the actions?
- NSPanel TFT upload block - move to Manager page, since I can't upload the TFT from here anyway?
Source: personal preferences and have worked in the area for 15 years.