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Python interface to read and write GAMS GDX files using pandas.DataFrames as the intermediate data format.


PyPI Documentation

gdx-pandas is a python package to translate between gdx (GAMS data) and pandas.

Install | Documentation | Uninstall



  • Python 3.7 or higher (exact compatibility might depend on which GAMS version you are using)
  • pandas (In general you will want the SciPy stack. Anaconda comes with it, or see my notes for Windows.)
  • Install GAMS
  • Put the GAMS directory in your PATH and/or assign it to the GAMS_DIR environment variable
  • GAMS Python bindings
    • See GAMS//apifiles/readme.txt on Windows and Mac, or /opt/gams//apifiles/readme.txt on Linux

    • Run the following for the correct version of the Python bindings (e.g., from the GAMS/**/apifiles/Python/api_39 folder):

      python install


      python build --build-base={temporary-path-where-you-have-write-access} install

      with the latter being for the case when you can install packages into Python but don't have GAMS directory write access.

    • If import gdxcc fails (which will also cause import gdxpds to fail) because there "is no _gdxcc module", one workaround is to copy all the _*.pyd (or _*.so) files from GAMS/**/apifiles/Python/api_XX/ and paste them into your Python environment next to, e.g., the gdxcc-8-py3.9.egg file, which on Anaconda is your environment's lib/site-packages directory.

Get the Latest Package

pip install gdxpds


pip install git+[email protected]


pip install git+

Versions are listed at pypi and

After installation, you can test the package using pytest:

pytest --pyargs gdxpds

If the tests fail due to permission IOErrors, apply chmod g+x and chmod a+x to the gdx-pandas/gdxpds/test folder.


pip uninstall gdxpds