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How do I use my own weather files?

Open AugustVan opened this issue 1 year ago • 7 comments

What do I have to change in this piece of code to be able to use my own epw weather files? image

AugustVan avatar Nov 27 '23 14:11 AugustVan

in theory noting, if your EPW is in the right format for EPWs. IF it is giving an error that means some of the columns or formating is not the standard, check the documentation for EPW on the EnergyPlus webiste.

The function expects an EPW with extension EPW.

if you want to specify other formats, we currently support on hte main branch: source : str To help identify different types of .csv files. If None, it assumes it is a TMY3-style formated data. Current options: 'TMY3', 'solargis', 'EPW'

And the development branch has 'sam' (psm3 format) and NSRDB data input as well.


shirubana avatar Nov 27 '23 15:11 shirubana

I don't think i'm using the wrong file because it's an epw file, I just think it's my lack of programming skills. Would it be possible to show the lines of code it takes to use my own epw files?

AugustVan avatar Dec 11 '23 21:12 AugustVan

sure, you can either share it here, or to my email [email protected], or we can have a short meeting to iron it out (couple 30 mins spot open today and tomorrow but more on wednesday)

shirubana avatar Dec 11 '23 21:12 shirubana

This is the code I have at the moment.

import os from pathlib import Path from bifacial_radiance import * import numpy as np import pandas as pd

testfolder = str(Path().resolve().parent.parent / 'bifacial_radiance' / 'TEMP' / 'August') if not os.path.exists(testfolder): os.makedirs(testfolder)

testopstelling = RadianceObj('x',str(testfolder))

testopstelling.setGround() albedo = 0.7 testopstelling.setGround(albedo)

#GETTING WHEATER FILE epwfile = testopstelling.getEPW(lat = 37.5, lon = -77.6) metdata = testopstelling.readWeatherFile(epwfile, coerce_year=2001) fullYear = True if fullYear: testopstelling.genCumSky() # entire year. else: timeindex = metdata.datetime.index(pd.to_datetime('2001-06-17 12:0:0 -7')) testopstelling.gendaylit(timeindex) # Noon, June 17th (timepoint # 4020)

#CREATING A MODULE moduletype = 'test-module'

num_panels = 1 x = 0 y = 0 x_gap = 0.20 y_gap = 0.10 z_gap = 0

num_cells_x = 12 num_cells_y = 24 x_cell = 0.17283 y_cell = 0.08692 x_cell_gap = 0.002 y_cell_gap = 0.002

cellLevelModuleParams = {'numcellsx': num_cells_y, 'numcellsy': num_cells_x, 'xcell': y_cell, 'ycell': x_cell, 'xcellgap': y_cell_gap, 'ycellgap': x_cell_gap}

module = testopstelling.makeModule(name=moduletype, x=x, y=y, numpanels=num_panels, xgap=x_gap, ygap=y_gap, cellModule=cellLevelModuleParams)

#Making the scene pitch = 9 # m albedo = 0.22 # 'grass' # ground albedo hub_height = 1.9 # m nMods = 6 # six modules per row. nRows = 3 # 3 row azimuth_ang = 270 # Facing west tilt = 90 # tilt.

sceneDict = {'tilt': tilt, 'pitch': pitch, 'hub_height': hub_height, 'azimuth': azimuth_ang, 'nMods': nMods, 'nRows': nRows}

scene = testopstelling.makeScene(module=moduletype, sceneDict=sceneDict)

#CREATING FRAME torquetubelength = 14.036 postheight = 0.05 postwidth = 0.03

post_x = -2.285 z_step = 1.148 y_step = 9

y = 9.127

for i in range(3): post_z = 2.9 for j in range(3): name = 'Post{}{}'.format(i, j) text = '! genbox Metal_Aluminum_Anodized torquetube_row2 {} {} {} | xform -t {} -0.2 0.15 | xform -t {} {} {} '
'| '
'xform -rz 90'.format( torquetubelength, postheight, postwidth, (-torquetubelength + module.sceney) / 2.0, post_x, y, post_z) customObject = testopstelling.makeCustomObject(name, text) testopstelling.appendtoScene(radfile=scene.radfiles, customObject=customObject, text="!xform -rz 0") post_z -= z_step

y -= y_step

pileheight = 3.05 pilewidth = 0.05 piledepth = 0.05

x_offset = - 0.1 y_step = 2.15

x_value = -9 for i in range(3): y_value = -8.23 for j in range(7): name_string = 'pile{}{}'.format(i, j) text = ('! genbox Metal_Grey pile{}row{} '.format(i, j) + '{} {} {} '.format(pilewidth, piledepth, pileheight) + '| xform -t {} {} {}'.format(x_value, y_value, 0)) customObject = testopstelling.makeCustomObject(name_string, text) testopstelling.appendtoScene(scene.radfiles, customObject, '!xform -rz 0') y_value += 2.331

x_value += 9

testopstelling.scene.showScene() #ANALYSIS octfile = testopstelling.makeOct(testopstelling.getfilelist())

analysis = AnalysisObj(octfile, testopstelling.basename)

frontscan, backscan = analysis.moduleAnalysis(scene)

results = analysis.analysis(octfile, testopstelling.basename, frontscan, backscan)


bifacialityfactor = 0.9 print('Annual bifacial ratio: %0.2f ' %( np.mean(analysis.Wm2Back) * bifacialityfactor / np.mean(analysis.Wm2Front)) )

scene.saveImage() analysis.makeImage('side.vp') analysis.makeFalseColor('side.vp')

AugustVan avatar Dec 12 '23 09:12 AugustVan

Hi AugustVan

So, if you have an epw file you have to pass the file name/direction here:

epwfile= r'C:/Users/AugustVan/Documents/LocationEPWfile.epw
metdata = testopstelling.readWeatherFile(epwfile)

Let me know if this doesnt work

shirubana avatar Dec 12 '23 14:12 shirubana

Hh I forgot the r' ', thanks alot!

AugustVan avatar Dec 12 '23 15:12 AugustVan

yeah python has weird things like that. lmk other questions through here or email


shirubana avatar Dec 12 '23 15:12 shirubana

Closing this as solved.

cdeline avatar Aug 23 '24 05:08 cdeline