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:callbacks → :callback for newer DiffEqBase versions

Open Alexsp32 opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

DiffEq complains about the way callbacks are passed to the solvers:

┌ Warning: Unrecognized keyword arguments found. Future versions will error.
│ The only allowed keyword arguments to `solve` are:
│ (:dense, :saveat, :save_idxs, :tstops, :tspan, :d_discontinuities, :save_everystep, :save_on, :save_start, :save_end, :initialize_save, :adaptive, :abstol, :reltol, :dt, :dtmax, :dtmin, :force_dtmin, :internalnorm, :controller, :gamma, :beta1, :beta2, :qmax, :qmin, :qsteady_min, :qsteady_max, :qoldinit, :failfactor, :calck, :alias_u0, :maxiters, :callback, :isoutofdomain, :unstable_check, :verbose, :merge_callbacks, :progress, :progress_steps, :progress_name, :progress_message, :timeseries_errors, :dense_errors, :weak_timeseries_errors, :weak_dense_errors, :wrap, :calculate_error, :initializealg, :alg, :save_noise, :delta, :seed, :alg_hints, :kwargshandle, :trajectories, :batch_size, :sensealg, :advance_to_tstop, :stop_at_next_tstop, :default_set, :second_time, :prob_choice, :alias_jump, :alias_noise, :batch, :nlsolve_kwargs, :odesolve_kwargs, :linsolve_kwargs)
│ See https://diffeq.sciml.ai/stable/basics/common_solver_opts/ for more details.
│ Set kwargshandle=KeywordArgError for an error message.
│ Set kwargshandle=KeywordArgSilent to ignore this message.
└ @ DiffEqBase ~/.julia/packages/DiffEqBase/s433k/src/solve.jl:1063

We might want to update this + change dependencies to avoid unforeseen behaviour in the future.

Alexsp32 avatar Nov 13 '23 10:11 Alexsp32