@glenn-jocher Is there anyway to then use a custom trained weights on ios?
@glenn-jocher thanks. I've got my trained weights, but I just can not get it to work. What's the best way to get this done? Weights are in Darknet format. I...
I'm having this same issue. After doing @doughtmw's suggestion, I get this: ValueError: Improper config format: {u'l2': 0.0005000000237487257, u'name': u'L1L2Regularizer', u'l1': 0.0}
I'm still having this issue, was this fixed for anyone? result: {"assets": [{"assetId": null, "base64": null, "duration": null, "exif": [Object], "height": 4000, "rotation": null, "type": "image", "uri": "792ad30f-4fb2-4ba4-9ccb-545a15612775.jpeg", "width": 3000}],...
I'm experiencing the same. No change to code, alerts are sent twice now.