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Eval code inside docker


Evaluate code in different languages inside docker containers.


This project steel under active development. So feel free to open issue if your have a problem.


Currently supported languages are:

  • ruby (2.1.0)
  • javascript (nodejs 0.10.24)
  • golang (1.2)
  • python (2.7.3)
  • C (gcc 4.6.3)
  • C++ (g++ 4.6.3)
  • PHP (5.3.10)


  • POST /api/evaluate/< language_name > with file in body.
  • POST /api/evaluate/ with JSON in body. JSON should content language field & code field.

Curl examples

curl -POST -d "[1,2,3].each do |a| puts a*a; end;" 'http://localhost:8080/api/evaluate/ruby'

curl -POST -d "var a = 6; a += 10; console.log(a)" 'http://localhost:8080/api/evaluate/nodejs'

curl -POST -d "package main; import \"fmt\" ; func main() { fmt.Println(1+1) }" 'http://localhost:8080/api/evaluate/golang'

curl -POST -d "print(\"Hello, World\")" 'http://localhost:8080/api/evaluate/python'
{"stdout":"Hello, World\n","stderr":"","exitCode":0}

curl -POST -d '{"language":"ruby", "code":"puts 1"}' 'http://localhost:8080/api/evaluate'

curl -d "
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << \"Hello\"; return 0;


make install

Instead of make install that just download universal image from docker images repository, you can build image locally:

make build-image


make run

NOTE: Perdocker correctly works only with the latest dev Docker version. Caused by this bug. Bug will be fixed in 0.8.0 version. You can find compiled dev version of docker at bin/ directory. You can install latest docker version and then just replace /usr/bin/docker with ./bin/docker and restart service.

NOTE: Perdocker expects that it will be able to run docker command without sudo. Details


./bin/perdocker -h
Usage of ./bin/perdocker:
  -c-workers=1: Count of C workers.
  -cpp-workers=1: Count of C++ workers.
  -golang-workers=1: Count of golang workers.
  -listen=":8080": HTTP server bind to address & port. Ex: localhost:80 or :80
  -nodejs-workers=1: Count of nodejs workers.
  -php-workers=1: Count of PHP workers.
  -python-workers=1: Count of python workers.
  -ruby-workers=1: Count of ruby workers.
  -separate=false: Separate workers by languages.
  -timeout=30: Max execution time.
  -workers=1: Count of workers for non separated workers.


  • listen :8080.
  • non separate mode.
  • 1 worker per language or 1 worker in non separate mode.
  • timeout 30 seconds.


  • run process inside exist docker container. Required docker 0.8.0.
  • restart container after some amount evals.