nngen copied to clipboard
NNgen log ignores lazy_reshape, which is the output layer, and shows the previous operator as the output layer.
NNgen log ignores lazy_reshape, which is the output layer, and shows the previous operator as the output layer.
the test case
- /nngen/tests/matrix_reshape/test_matrix_reshape_int16.py
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
# the next line can be removed after installation
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
import nngen as ng
import veriloggen
import matrix_reshape
a_shape = (4, 16)
b_shape = (16, 4)
a_dtype = ng.int16
b_dtype = ng.int16
axi_datawidth = 32
def test(request, silent=True):
simtype = request.config.getoption('--sim')
rslt = matrix_reshape.run(a_shape, b_shape,
a_dtype, b_dtype,
axi_datawidth, silent,
filename=None, simtype=simtype,
outputfile=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] + '.out')
verify_rslt = rslt.splitlines()[-1]
assert(verify_rslt == '# verify: PASSED')
if __name__ == '__main__':
rslt = matrix_reshape.run(a_shape, b_shape,
a_dtype, b_dtype,
axi_datawidth, silent=False,
outputfile=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] + '.out')
It log is below
[Schedule Table]
(Stage 0)
(Stage 1)
<_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <placeholder a dtype:int16 shape:(4, 16) default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(4, 16) scale_factor:1.000000>
(Stage 2)
<sub output_sub_0 dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <add None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) chained default_addr:0 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| | <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| | <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
(Stage 3)
<_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(4, 16) alias_of:output_sub_0 default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(4, 16) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <sub output_sub_0 dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
[RAM (spec: num)]
16-bit 512-entry 2-port 2-bank RAM: 4
[Substream (spec: num)]
[Stream (spec: num)]
(((<class 'nngen.operator.basic._lazy_reshape'>, <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1), True): 1
((<class 'nngen.operator.basic.sub'>, ((<class 'nngen.operator.basic.add'>, <dtype int16>, <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1), <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1): 1
[State IDs in main_fsm]
(3, 4, 'a', 'None')
(5, 6, None, 'None')
(12, 14, 'output_sub_0', 'control_sub_3')
(15, 16, None, 'None')
[Control (name (# states: num))]
main_fsm (# states: 22)
control_sub_3 (# states: 59)
[Register Map]
0 (R ): header0 (default: 0x00000000)
4 (R ): header1 (default: 0x00000000)
8 (R ): header2 (default: 0x00000000)
12 (R ): header3 (default: 0x00000000)
16 ( W): Start (set '1' to run)
20 (R ): Busy (returns '1' when running)
24 ( W): Reset (set '1' to initialize internal logic)
28 (R ): Opcode from extern objects to SW (returns '0' when idle)
32 ( W): Resume extern objects (set '1' to resume)
36 (R ): Interrupt Status Register
40 ( W): Interrupt Enable Register
44 ( W): Interrupt Acknowledge Register
48 (R ): State Counter
52 ( W): Count Target
56 ( W): Count Divider
60 ( ): Reserved ...
120 ( ): ... Reserved
124 (R ): Address space amount
128 (RW): Global address offset (default: 0)
132 (RW): Address of temporal storages (size: 0B)
136 (RW): Address of output (sub) 'output_sub_0' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (16, 4), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (16, 4)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we expect the log that "(_lazy_reshape) 'output__lazy_reshape_0' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)".
140 (RW): Address of placeholder 'a' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
[Default Memory Map (start - end)] (entire range: [0 - 255], size: 256B)
[ 0 - 127]: output (sub) 'output_sub_0' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (16, 4), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (16, 4)
[128 - 255]: placeholder 'a' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
# start
# end
# execution cycles: 1721
# verify: PASSED
This seems to work well.
diff --git a/nngen/verilog.py b/nngen/verilog.py
index 034a68e..390149a 100644
--- a/nngen/verilog.py
+++ b/nngen/verilog.py
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ def set_storage_name(objs):
obj.name = 'input_%d' % tmp_input
tmp_input += 1
elif obj.is_output and obj.name is None:
- while bt.is_view(obj) or bt.is_removable_reshape(obj):
- obj = obj.args[0]
+ #while bt.is_view(obj) or bt.is_removable_reshape(obj):
+ # obj = obj.args[0]
obj.name = 'output_%s_%d' % (obj.__class__.__name__, tmp_output)
tmp_output += 1
@@ -1148,6 +1154,7 @@ def make_addr_map(config, objs, saxi):
for obj in sorted(objs, key=lambda x: x.object_id):
if obj.is_output and obj.global_index is None:
+ org_obj = obj
while bt.is_view(obj) or bt.is_removable_reshape(obj):
obj = obj.args[0]
@@ -1165,16 +1172,16 @@ def make_addr_map(config, objs, saxi):
"(size: %s, dtype: %s, shape: %s, "
"alignment: %d words (%d bytes)), "
"aligned shape: %s") %
- (obj.__class__.__name__,
- "'%s'" % obj.name if obj.name is not None else 'None',
+ (org_obj.__class__.__name__,
+ "'%s'" % org_obj.name if org_obj.name is not None else 'None',
- obj.dtype.to_str() if obj.dtype is not None else 'None',
- (str(obj.shape)
- if isinstance(obj.shape, (tuple, list)) else '()'),
- obj.get_word_alignment(),
- bt.to_byte(obj.get_word_alignment() * obj.get_ram_width()),
- (str(tuple(obj.get_aligned_shape()))
- if isinstance(obj.shape, (tuple, list)) else '()')))
+ org_obj.dtype.to_str() if org_obj.dtype is not None else 'None',
+ (str(org_obj.shape)
+ if isinstance(org_obj.shape, (tuple, list)) else '()'),
+ org_obj.get_word_alignment(),
+ bt.to_byte(org_obj.get_word_alignment() * org_obj.get_ram_width()),
+ (str(tuple(org_obj.get_aligned_shape()))
+ if isinstance(org_obj.shape, (tuple, list)) else '()')))
then the log is follow
[Schedule Table]
(Stage 0)
(Stage 1)
<_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <placeholder a dtype:int16 shape:(4, 16) default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(4, 16) scale_factor:1.000000>
(Stage 2)
<sub None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <add None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) chained default_addr:0 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| | <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| | <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <_lazy_reshape None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) alias_of:a default_addr:128 g_index:2 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
(Stage 3)
<_lazy_reshape output__lazy_reshape_0 dtype:int16 shape:(4, 16) alias_of:<sub> default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(4, 16) scale_factor:1.000000>
| <sub None dtype:int16 shape:(16, 4) default_addr:0 g_index:1 word_alignment:2 aligned_shape:(16, 4) scale_factor:1.000000>
[RAM (spec: num)]
16-bit 512-entry 2-port 2-bank RAM: 4
[Substream (spec: num)]
[Stream (spec: num)]
(((<class 'nngen.operator.basic._lazy_reshape'>, <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1), True): 1
((<class 'nngen.operator.basic.sub'>, ((<class 'nngen.operator.basic.add'>, <dtype int16>, <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1), <dtype int16>), <dtype int16>, 1): 1
[State IDs in main_fsm]
(3, 4, 'a', 'None')
(5, 6, None, 'None')
(12, 14, None, 'control_sub_3')
(15, 16, 'output__lazy_reshape_0', 'None')
[Control (name (# states: num))]
main_fsm (# states: 22)
control_sub_3 (# states: 59)
[Register Map]
0 (R ): header0 (default: 0x00000000)
4 (R ): header1 (default: 0x00000000)
8 (R ): header2 (default: 0x00000000)
12 (R ): header3 (default: 0x00000000)
16 ( W): Start (set '1' to run)
20 (R ): Busy (returns '1' when running)
24 ( W): Reset (set '1' to initialize internal logic)
28 (R ): Opcode from extern objects to SW (returns '0' when idle)
32 ( W): Resume extern objects (set '1' to resume)
36 (R ): Interrupt Status Register
40 ( W): Interrupt Enable Register
44 ( W): Interrupt Acknowledge Register
48 (R ): State Counter
52 ( W): Count Target
56 ( W): Count Divider
60 ( ): Reserved ...
120 ( ): ... Reserved
124 (R ): Address space amount
128 (RW): Global address offset (default: 0)
132 (RW): Address of temporal storages (size: 0B)
136 (RW): Address of output (_lazy_reshape) 'output__lazy_reshape_0' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
140 (RW): Address of placeholder 'a' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
[Default Memory Map (start - end)] (entire range: [0 - 255], size: 256B)
[ 0 - 127]: output (_lazy_reshape) 'output__lazy_reshape_0' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
[128 - 255]: placeholder 'a' (size: 128B, dtype: int16, shape: (4, 16), alignment: 2 words (4 bytes)), aligned shape: (4, 16)
# start
# end
# execution cycles: 1721
# verify: PASSED
This issue has been resolved in 32e8d503bb819edcd48adccfb44784aa081cc8e4 .